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At 5 in the morning, Taehyung was already driving us to Incheon airport, where their family's private airplane was waiting for us and our friends.

We arrived there at exactly 5:45 am.

The Kim family's private airplane was too big for just 6 families in it, Jen's family will go with Yoongi's parents as well as Taehyung's so we'll just meet them in the island. We would have used their private jet but we all needed our own seats and beds for the kids. Inside the airplane, the first class seats were located at the front of the upper deck and has just a single aisle, with a total of nine first class seats, which was also known as "Apartments".

When we got inside the plane, a sliding door was closed, which meant that one of our friends beat us to being the first to arrive. Taehyung knocked on the sliding door of the second apartment from the left, which then opened, revealing Jimin and Chaeyoung smiling widely at us. I saw Ji-Hoon listening to music from his phone on the six-foot 10-inch bed, a plush throw blanket enveloping him. Bora immediately sat beside her best friend and tapped Ji-Hoon's shoulder for him to notice her.

"Chichu!" Chaeyoung said in a hushed tone. I noticed how she held herself back from hugging me so as not to wake Taesoo up since I was the one carrying him.

"Hey, Chaeng. Talk to you later. I'm just going to place Taesoo on the bed." I told her, smiling apologetically before opening the sliding door opposite theirs.

The Park couple understood so they didn't bother me after, giving their attention to my husband instead. After settling Taesoo down on the bed, I opened the sliding door of our apartment slightly just to see my friends talking.

"It's a surprise your family's the earliest." I heard Taehyung say to his best friend.

"That's because he married me." Chaeyoung said as a matter of factly, "I woke him up at 2 a.m. just to make sure we get to be here before the planned time."

Next to Chaeyoung, Jimin groaned. "Imagine how I controlled my annoyance when she said that we'll be late if I don't get my ass up. Now, we're still waiting for five more families to get here."

Seeing that Taesoo was sleeping soundly - and, unlike his father, can stay still - I placed a pillow on his side and stood just by our door to see whoever's next to come from our group.

"Good morning, everyone!" Hoseok's voice suddenly echoed inside the plane, earning a loud shush from me, Taehyung, and even his own wife, Lisa, who was carrying an also sleeping Lily.

"Aish. Hoseok, your voice could really be set as an alarm clock for Jimin." A guy wearing an all black outfit came inside, together with a woman carrying a crying baby.

"Ya! I'm already here." Jimin said, revealing himself from their apartment.

With all their loud voices, two more babies woke up, much to our dismay.

"Alright, boys." Hyeri said, eyeing all the men with us but not before she glared at her husband, Jungkook, "Carry your own babies and make them sleep."

"This is your fault." Lisa told her husband, making Hoseok purse his lips in embarrassment. She then gave Lily to him before opening the apartment in front of ours to place their small bags on the leather seat.

"Taehyung, can you carry Taesoo for a while?" I asked Taehyung, smiling at him sweetly.

My dear husband smiled back at me as he approached me. He placed a hand on our apartment's open sliding door and said, "Babe, before sunrise, he's your son."

"Oh, he did not just say that." Chaeyoung said, looking at her own husband and smirked. "Your best friend's going to die even before we arrive in the island."

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