twenty eight

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I've never had a genuinely happy birthday ever since my brother got with his acting career and my parents then chose to be with their jobs during my birthday. It was like that for the past two years. I was always with Lola, the other housemaids, the drivers, and some bodyguards during my birthday. Lola and her mom would bake a cake for me and we'd eat it with the others when my parents couldn't make it home before I even fell asleep.

Today, I get to celebrate one of my friends' birthday and be with the people who managed to separate me from the painful reality I call my family. It's my first time being in a small birthday party since the parties Chaeyoung and I go to before are composed of hundreds of people getting wasted.

"Jisoo! Come out of the room. Let me see you with your onesie!" V shouted from outside the room as Chaeyoung and I took pictures of each other in our onesies.

"Just go meet your boyfriend, Chu." Chaeyoung stood up and went her way to the door to open it for him, "If you'll excuse me, I have to find my boyfriend too." And then she went out of the room after waving her hand at V.

"What took you so long?" V asked in an annoyed tone, contradicting the big smile on his face as he walked towards me.

"We were taking photos of each other. Sorry." I stood up and skipped towards him. "You're a good-looking tiger."

He looked down instantly, "I am not."

I lift his face up to meet his gaze. However, the boy couldn't keep his gaze still on mine, trying to look at things other than my face. "Don't I look cute too? Why won't you look back at me?" I tried my best to sound cute so it could get his attention. Almost instantly, his eyes met mine.

"You look good, Chi." He said with all seriousness, "There's not a day you didn't look good."

His serious face made me smile. He really didn't need to add the last sentence, yet he did. Normally, I never bothered when people say I look good but with V, it's something else. It's the way he says his words that always gets to me.

"Excuse me?" We heard Jimin's high pitched English accent. "Party's almost starting. Get to the room before I call Hoseok."

V and I held hands as we walked downstairs to meet the others. Jennie and Lisa chose the study room to do the surprise celebration for Hobi. Just as I stepped inside with V, my brother immediately grabbed me towards the tall plant he was hiding behind and shooed V away to find his own hiding spot.

"Oh my god, you're really hiding behind a plant with that huge costume of yours?" I tried not to laugh out loud.

"Hush! Did you tell him already?" Jin whispered.

"No." I answered him.

"Tell him! Before any of your friends spill." he said, eyeing Lisa, situated behind V and Yoongi trying to hide from under the table

"I don't think Lisa will spill, if that's what you mean." I glared at him. "She's not like that."

"Just giving you a heads up because you'll never know what people can do for love."

I was about to retort back when the door swung open and loud cheers of "Happy Birthday, Hobi!" filled the entire room.

"Thank you, guys! This is so surprising, really. Especially the costumes!" Hoseok giggled as he scanned us wearing our costumes. "I thought Jimin's only wearing his pajamas, to be honest."

Jimin posed proudly with his puppy pajamas, "I certainly look cute with this pajamas. Thanks for picking this for me, V!"

"Let's get the party started!"

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