thirty eight

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I scanned the room to look for him. It's already 8:30 in the evening when the event started yet Jeon Jungkook still hasn't arrived.

Eun Woo opened the event with his opening remarms; stating a brief history of our company as well as how successful it has been ever since the collaboration. As for me, I chose to make the closing remarks, a time where a lot of people have either already left or are already drunk.

After the event proper, we were left to socialize with the people around us. In one of the tables near the stage, I saw Eun Woo and his family, and by family, I meant Dahyun and Jin Woo were present too. My family was also assigned to sit with them so Jin and I were sitting with them.

"Where are our parents?" Jin whispered to me so I hushed him before we greeted Eun Woo and his family.

"Oh, Seokjin! You look so handsome in that suit! You never fail to amaze me with your looks." Eun Woo's mom exclaimed when my brother kissed her cheek as a greeting.

"I know I'm really handsome, auntie. No need to point it out in front of these people." Jin confidently replied, a smug look on his face.

"Jisoo, where are Dara and Ji-yong?" This time, it was Mr. Cha who spoke.

"Oh, some investors were invited so Dad greeted them." I answered

"I see.." Mr. Cha said, "Why don't you and Eun Woo go there too to make a good impression?"

Eun Woo and I locked eyes before nodding at each other and standing up.

"I'll try to find someone that's an 8 so I could try my socializing skills here." Jin said and stood up, "Excuse me, Mr. Cha, Mrs. Kang." Jin turned sideways to look at the boy who's ogling at him since we came. "See you later, Jin Woo. Let's play later, yeah?" Jin Woo only nodded in response. "Later, Dahyun."

As Eun Woo and I walked together to greet famous businessmen and businesswomen. After a while, we saw my parents talking to a good looking man and woman, dressed in a simple black and white suit and dress, yet evidently headturners for the night.

" Should we go there?" I asked Eun Woo

"Yes, definitely. They may be potential investors!" Eun Woo placed his hand on my waist to guide me towards my parents and the other couple.

Once dad saw us, he gently pulled me away from Eun woo and introduced me to the persons in front of us.

"Mr. Kim, this is my daughter, Jisoo, and her co-CEO, Cha Eun Woo."

"Oh, dear. Isn't she the one that my son was supposed to marry back then?" the woman said, amusingly looking at me, "You look beautiful, Jisoo. My son would regret he ran away before he even met you."

Eun woo and I exchanged looks. He smiled at me, even though he looked confused. On the other hand, my parents and the couple laughed at what the woman said.

"It's okay. Maybe we can set them up now that they're both adults." Dad said, "Is he still single though?"

The so-called Mr. Kim nodded with a grin, "He's been single since he was born, I tell you. My boy is still trying to find someone he wants to be with."

By this time, I already felt my palms sweating.

Is my father really setting me up again?

"Wait, I'll call him. He's over there!" Mrs. Kim raised a hand and waved it at someone behind us.

Mrs. Kim was about to say something when another guy butted in and snake an arm around my waist, "Sorry, I'm late." he said and looked at my parents, "Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Kim, Eun Woo, and.." He smiled apologetically at the couple.

Jungkook was breathing hard beside me, he must have ran to find where we were in this big room. Scanning his presence, he looked pretty decent and handsome despite being late.

"I'm Kim Hyun Bin and this is my wife, Kim Yeon-hee. Are you also working for this company? You look familiar."

"I'm Jeon Jungkook, nice to meet you. And no, I don't work for this company but Eun Woo and Jisoo are my good friends."

"Jungkook! Nice to see that you made it before this night ended. Jisoo's been waiting for you." I heard mom whispered to JK.

"Sorry, auntie. I didn't expect that the venue would be that far from my university."

"Anyway, my son is here. Come here, son. You've got to meet the CEOs that you'll be working with." Mr. Kim said and gestured someone from our back.

A few seconds after, a guy wearing a black and white suit like his parents with his black hair neatly permed, appeared in front of me.

I was expecting that I wouldn't meet him for the rest of my life anymore or that I'll meet him maybe after I'm happily married to someone. However, of all places, I'd get to meet him here, while I'm standing in between the two guys who's also made a big impact in our short relationship.

"Jisoo, meet my son, Kim Taehyung."

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