~ With Good Tidings - Chapter 1 ~

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With Good Tidings (Chapter 1) - The Arrival.~Felix stood, stock still as he watched the various people bustling around the small, yet surprisingly efficient school. He stood there on the front steps, sticking out like a sore thumb. Most of the kids all wore their own signature styles, a girl who expertly weaved through the crowd, dodging him easily, she wore a rainbow tie dye shirt, and a pair of three quarter cargo pants. A boy who looked like he belonged amongst the hooligan type people, he wore an oversized black hoodie, and had blue highlights in his hair in places. His black jeans were ripped in places and his sneakers were scuffed. Felix also spied a single piercing in his left ear. However, the way the boy greeted his friends, was warm and welcoming, and he could tell, this person was most likely a complete and utter pushover.Well, to an esteemed member of the Graham De Vanily family, surely. He kept eying the school with a disparaging eye, wondering what his idiot cousin ever saw in this place. Why he was so adamant on escaping the comfortable confines of his cushy mansion, with his neglectful father and paid-mom-substitute."Hey, Adrien!"Speak of the devil, Felix thought to himself, as he slipped deeper into the crowd heading into the school, watching as his famous model of a cousin, Adrien Agreste, was greeted by this, rather odd excuse for a boy, wearing capri pants and a tee shirt with what looked to be a spiked eyeball on it, and his cap. Orange was such a bland colour, he surmised. He also noticed the boy wore thick framed glasses."Hey dude," the boy spoke to his cousin, "You still up for lunch today?""No, sorry, Nino, I've got to go home for lunch, my father said my cousin Felix is coming back to Paris for a while, and so I've got to help him settle in properly," the Agreste boy replied. "I don't know when he's coming in, so I've got to wait for what Father says,"The cap-boy, Nino, shrugged good-naturedly. "Aw shucks bro," he said, "Maybe next time," he said. "Although, no offence, but your cousin wasn't exactly the nicest dude to meet,""Felix is alright, I'll admit he wasn't exactly nice as he could've been, for sure, but I'm sure once he settles in, you'll all see how much of a cool guy he can be," Adrien smiled, and walked into the school grounds, Nino at his side."Su-uuure, Dude," Nino wasn't totally convinced. "I mean, he managed to get not only Alya, but Juleka and Rose akumatised over that petty little stunt," he said, "I mean, the akuma could've gotten to Ivan or myself, but the girls got so infuriated by that dude, they attracted the akuma in one hit!" He said, shrugging. "Thank god it didn't get Marinette," he sighed, "She was having such a difficult time trying to film her video to you,""Speaking of which, I didn't even get to see those videos," Adrien replied, "What did youse actually send to me?""You never actually got them. Wow, you were actually telling us the truth?" Nino was shocked."Yeah, Nino, why would I lie to you? You're my best bro,""Aw shucks, now I feel bad for doubting you," Nino put his hand to his face, in shame. "Anyway, we all pretty much sent you something along the lines of 'hey dude just lettin you know we're thinkin of you today, you're our bro, we love you, we're here if you need us,' type of thing," he said. "Although Marinette didn't actually show us what she sent you, so I dunno what her video was," Nino shrugged. The rest of their conversation was lost to the growing hubbub of the students in the school.Felix grumbled to himself, hearing the bell trill over the courtyard. He grit his teeth, gripped his backpack straps tightly and pushed himself to venture deeper into the virtual hell.~Felix reached the classroom, which had frosted windows. The door was shut and he could hear the teacher speaking inside. It was muffled so he could barely make out her words. He reached out and knocked on the door curtly. The muffled conversation stopped, and the door opened to show the teacher, a woman with red hair pulled into a neat classy bun, wearing a light blue pantsuit. She smiled politely, this teacher seemed like the favourite kind, also quite gullible too. Felix bored his eyes into hers."Welcome! I'm Mme Bustier, and you are?"she greeted nicely."Felix Graham De Vanily," he said, neutrally. "I've transferred in from a prestigious private school in London, after my cousin Adrien recommended this school to my mother,""Oh! You're THAT Felix, well, we've heard so much about you from your cousin, and I'm sure you'll make plenty of friends in this class," the teacher replied with a smile, albeit a bit strained. There was no doubt she knew what the students had been saying about Felix. And she didn't have high hopes on him making many, if not, any, friends in this class. Not after how he'd impersonated Adrien in a cruel joke that caused 3 of his friends to get akumatised.He'd be the judge of this class. "I have no interest in making any friends in this school, and I'm sure you're well aware on your students' opinion of me, and I'll tell you now before anything starts: I couldn't care less on their opinions. I have but one request,""What might you be after?" She asked, taken aback by the straight forward tone of the fourteen/fifteen year old almost glaring daggers at her."I have heard that the class president is a competent person. I would like to be guided around by them, if at all possible," Felix said."I can ask her, but I can't promise your request being filled," she said apologetically. "Come on in,"She walked into the classroom, Felix following suit. The students all levelled him with cold stares. He looked bored."Class this is Adrien's cousin—""Felix. Yeah we know," A girl with short, pink spiky hair rolled her eyes. "I think everyone's heard about him,"The teacher looked exasperated."Class, could we at least show the new student some form of friendliness? I mean, he might've do—""Might've?! Miss, he tried to make Adrien look like an absolute fu—" the ladyblogger shouted out."ALYA!" The blue haired girl beside her elbowed her harshly, "Language!""Look," the teacher said, beginning to lose patience. "Its common human courtesy to be at least polite when meeting a new person. Can you all just put your petty disagreements behind you all for five minutes, hell, every goddamned lesson and bicker and argue in your OWN time please?!" She shouted, well and truly done.Everyone was quiet. Mme Bustier had never once raised her voice at anyone in her classes, and now she'd reprimanded the entire class, for the new student."Now, Felix, there's empty seats up the back of the room, I'll get Marinette to go and join you shortly. Marinette?" The teacher asked, neutrally. "Felix has requested he get shown around by the classroom representative, which is you. Please don't be like the other Poor-Me Peters and actually show some courtesy to him,"Marinette stood up, her books in her hand."Yes, Miss," she said. Her voice had no lilt in it to give away if she was affected by having to sit beside, much less guide Felix for the day."How long do you feel you'll need a guide for, Felix?" The teacher asked."At least a week," he answered. "Adrien might've told me things, but I'm still very unfamiliar with this place,""Well, make sure you treat Marinette well," Bustier guided Felix up the back, where Marinette had already taken her seat, and was resetting her tablet and books.Felix sat there quietly. What an eventful classroom welcome, he scoffed to himself. "Go to Francois-Dupont, they said, it'll be great, they said," he rolled his eyes and muttered under his breath. When he looked up, he caught the unimpressed stare (more like luke warm death glare) from the girl beside him.

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