~ With Good Tidings - Chapter 8 ~

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With Good Tidings - Chapter 8 - Lunchtime with Ladybug

Felix knocked gently on the trapdoor, after heading up the stairs that Marinette had, not fifteen minutes earlier.

"Come in," Marinette's voice was muffled.

Felix pushed open the trapdoor, and entered the room.

"Oh, you're still here," Marinette said, she was laying in her bed, her feet where her pillow was.

"Of course I'm still here," he replied, "Where else would I be?"

"I dunno, at school maybe?" Marinette sassed him.

"I would prefer to be shown around school by my guide, not by myself," he replied, taking a dignified seat on her pink chaise.

"And I'd prefer if Lila jumped off the Eiffel Tower, but she'd make up some shitty lie and frame me for murdering her," Marinette scoffed to herself.

"Don't joke about that!"

Marinette sat up and looked at Felix. He wore a stern look on his face.

"Believe me, I couldn't make it funny even if I tried," she said.

Felix stretched, and returned to watching Marinette like a hawk.

"Are you okay with me staying for dinner?" He asked.

"Did my mother invite you to?"

"Yes," he replied, "But if you're not up to it, I can simply say that my mother had other ideas,"

"N-No, you can stay!" She said, "I just didn't know why you asked that,"

"Because its your house, and I'm here for you. And if you don't want me here, I'll leave," Felix held up his hands, in a placating manner.

Marinette sighed, and dragged herself out of her bed, and came to join him on the chaise.

"Well, if you're staying, you might as well get comfortable," she said, "Take your shoes off if you want, but if you don't you're not sitting up here," she said, getting up again, and climbing to her bed. She dug around for something, but couldn't find it, so she came back down.

"Looking for something?" Felix asked, as he kicked off a shiny dress shoe. He kicked the other one off, and put them over near the trapdoor.

"Yeah, but never mind," she said, sitting on the chaise again, hugging her knees. Felix sat back down, and unbuttoned his vest.

"Sorry, this thing gets awfully tight," he left it on his shoulders, so it sat there casually. He noticed, with a little satisfaction, that Marinette had gone a little pink. "Now, what do you want to do?" He reached into his open breast pocket, and withdrew his phone. "We've still got a few hours of 'school' and a few hours after that until dinner," he said, depositing it back into his pocket. There was a text message on his phone from Adrien, but he ignored it.

Marinette shrugged.

"What do two teenagers do when they're supposed to be at school, but aren't?" She asked.

"From some movies I've seen, they tend to get up to mischief," he winked.


"I'm joking," he held up his hands again, "I wouldn't do that to you," he said. "Unless you explicitly asked me to,"

"And why would I ask you to come onto me!?"

"You wouldn't," he said. "You'd rather my idiot cousin, hey?" He sneered. "You'd love that, wouldn't you? A dream come true for you,"

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