~ With Good Tidings - Chapter 3 ~

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With Good Tidings Chapter 3 - Lunch.

Lunch, was usually Felix's favourite time of the day. His old school would provide a selection befitting the likes of the students that attended: nothing less than the best. He frowned, as he scrutinised the school's lunch line up: nothing.

He surreptitiously glanced around the locker room, watching as people either grabbed their bags and left for lunch, or simply fished out a piece of fruit or sandwiches and went to go eat it.

"Excuse me, Marinette...?" He asked.

"Yes?" She turned from her own locker, hurriedly shutting it before he could see the inside. It was a little too late though, Felix had seen a fair amount of his cousin's face plastered to the inner walls. He raised a pert eyebrow, as she narrowed her eyes at his reaction.

"What did you want?" She crossed her arms.

"What does this school do for lunch?" He asked, "My old school had a cafeteria,"

"Hm, well here we bring our own, or if you're lucky enough to live close to school, go home for lunch," she said, "I'm surprised Adrien didn't tell you that bit,"

Felix narrowed his eyes, punctuated by a loud, undignified growl of his stomach.

"No he didn't," he said. "I've half a mind to march to that mansion and have words with him, but I'm too hungry to try,"

Marinette sighed inwardly. The last thing she wanted was to make her parents think this guy was a new crush or something.

"I'm heading home for lunch, did you want to come with so you've got something to eat?" She asked, trying to be nice. Sure, Felix had been a total jerk to them, but Marinette had seen he was at least trying to be civil with them. 'If civil was not interacting with anyone unless he had to,' she thought. She wasn't even sure he'd accept her lunch offer.

"Of course," he said, "I have heard your bakery is quite, accomplished,"

That took Marinette by surprise.

"You think that?" She said, "My parents and I work very hard to deliver the best quality of pastries, so I'm glad you think they're good,"

"Only because Adrien never shut up about the Tom and Sabine Bakery," he muttered under his breath. "So, shall we get lunch?" He said, out loud.

"O-Okay, let's go," she led the way out of the school, past the crowds of lounging students, some winking and giving the odd catcall.

Felix shuddered, and set a stern scowl onto his face, as he gripped his backpack straps tighter. When would they get food? He was beginning to feel a little weak.

"We're here," she said, pushing the door open, and walking inside.

The bakery was quaint, with the main colour scheme being white with gold trim. He studied the two bakers, a stout yet friendly woman with the same kind of hair as Marinette, except instead of almost childish pigtails, this woman wore her hair in a dignified bob. The man near the ovens, her husband, Felix surmised, was a bear of a man, who looked intimidating, but he could also see how friendly he was too.

"Hello sweetie," the woman greeted Marinette. "Who's this?"

Marinette greeted both her parents with a kiss to the cheek.

"This is Felix, he's the new kid in our class," she explained, "Felix, these are my parents. I'm just gonna go and grab a couple croissants for Felix, because his cousin didn't see fit to tell him there's no actual cafeteria at school,"

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