~ With Good Tidings - Chapter 2 ~

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With Good Tidings Chapter 2 - The Next Class.

Felix suppressed the first of what he thought was going to be many exasperated sighs of the day. First, his mother wakes him up at 6am on Monday of all days, then he travels to his new school, only to find it's a commoner's school, and then he gets the most warmest welcome to his brand new class ever.

Sarcasm on point there, Felix, he thought to himself. His new classmates were less than pleased to have him in the class. The only person in that classroom other than his idiot cousin who wasn't openly showing their disregard for him, was the blue haired class representative. What did the teacher say her name was again? Marie? Mary? Ah, Marinette.

"Excuse me, Mlle," he spoke softly, trying to catch her attention.

She glanced to her side, briefly, having heard something.

"Yes?" She replied, a little inconvenienced.

"I was just wondering what the time was," he spoke politely. If she was to be stuck with him for an entire week, he might as well be a little polite to her.

"It's only 9:30am," she answered tersely, turning back to her schoolwork. "The next class is at 10," she spoke, more to her textbook than to him. Felix took a little time to observe how she held herself.

Tablet in hand, pencil in the other, textbook in front of her, sketchbook cleverly hidden by said textbook, she seemed to be skilled at multi-tasking, he noticed.

"Excuse me, but did you need anything else at all? Can't help but notice you seem to be looking at me a lot more than deemed necessary for one asking the time," Marinette turned to look at him, looking more impatient than before.

"Not at all," he waved the matter away. "I was simply observing the room, and you've caught my attention," for a mere baker's girl, he left that last bit unsaid. Having been caught staring at her, he actually decided that he should do some form of schoolwork, even if it meant pretending to read and work through materials he'd already done at his old school. The textbook was easy enough to understand, given his old school's language component was French. From first grade, through to his current year, up until a month prior, he'd been quite good at French, but the text just wasn't attractive enough to hold his attention. No, the blue haired girl beside him kept enticing him with every minor thing she did. She didn't understand a certain topic? She'd let out a quiet questioning hum, which piqued his own curiosity. She didn't like how a certain line came out on her sketch of what seemed to be a stunning leather jacket? She'd frown cutely, and tap her lead pencil against her chin lightly as she thought of a way to rework the design back to her liking. If she dropped something? Well, she'd bend down with a 'huff' and pick it back up, giving Felix a front row seat to her slender back and behind. Not that he was prudent enough to stare at her, of course. The Graham De Vanily family wasn't one for idle things like harbouring perverse thoughts upon a female classmate, especially one from the lower end of society. He watched from the corner of his eye as she righted herself, placing her pencil down on the book in front of her. She tucked her blue bangs behind her ears, which were adorned with a single black stud. The look was simple, but even Felix had to admit, the simplicity suited her spectacularly. He let out a quiet huff himself, as he mentally berated himself for watching her again, and forced his attention back to the book in front of him.

"Having trouble concentrating?" She asked lightly, almost as if she'd watched the entirety of Felix trying and failing twice to tear his attention from her.

"A little, yes," Felix grunted, turning the page of the textbook, as the teacher instructed.

"Well you're going to enjoy the next class then," she hummed, turning to jot down a couple notes on her tablet.

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