~ With Good Tidings - Chapter 4 ~

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With Good Tidings - Chapter 4: First Day of School's End

Felix grunted, partly with relief and partly because he'd have to get up, when the bell rang for the final time of the day. He reached for his books, sorting them neatly, and placing them into his backpack, having them all organised and put away before Marinette even had a chance to grab her own bag.

"Eager much?" She bit back a chuckle, as she placed her books into her bag.

"You could call it that," he replied briskly, as he leant against the desk, his arms bracing him at his sides. "I, however, would call it a healthy regard for my own mental sanity, by wanting to be out of this place as quickly as humanly possible,"

Marinette raised an eyebrow, as she zipped her bag shut, and put it onto her back.

"Do I need to guide you to the front gate?" She joked.

"I'm very well acquainted with the front gate," Felix smirked. "It was sad to see me walk deeper into this hell-hole," he said, as they started to walk out of the classroom. They backtracked through the hurriedly quietening school, as the other students were leaving for the day.

"How are you getting home?" Marinette asked.

"I'm going to my cousin's house,"

"Okay, that's good," she replied.

"Why?" Felix asked, with an eyebrow raised.

"Just making sure you'll be okay," she replied. "So, what are you planning on doing with the rest of your afternoon?"

Felix shrugged. "I might do some homework," he said.

"Hm, sounds relatively tame," Marinette giggled.

"Or I might even take my frustrations out on Adrien yet," Felix glanced to the side, watching Marinette. "I'm still not over how he forgot to tell me about the lunchtime protocol here,"

"Well now you know, hahaha," Marinette scratched the back of her neck, "and there's really no need to be wanting to hurt anyone is there?"

Felix sighed inwardly. Marinette was stupidly soft towards Adrien, but why? He could see she was definitely attracted to him, but then most girls were. Soft fluffy hair, pretty green eyes, and perfect skin, body formation and attitude. All in all, Adrien Agreste was the Perfect Boyfriend. Adrien was everything that he, Felix, was not. He found himself narrowing his eyes. Adrien had the effortless perfection that he, Felix, strived for every day. Adrien had friends that cared. Adrien had Marinette almost practically drooling over him, every moment she wasn't having to answer Felix's sporadic questions. He'd seen the interior of her locker, he'd heard the gushing over her 'awesome kindness and ability to make everyone feel better, like an Everyday Ladybug,' from his idiot cousin.

He made his mind up now.

He wasn't going to let Adrien take the only friend that he's got here away from him.

He, Felix Graham De Vanily, did solemnly swear and promise on the life of his dear, sweet father, that he wasn't going to lose one Marinette Dupain-Cheng to his cousin.


Did he just say a friend? Wasn't he trying to avoid those things at all costs?! His internal voice simmered, just a little bit miffed.

Felix harrumphed loudly, and rubbed the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

"Are you alright, Felix?" Marinette asked kindly, having not missed his very external display of irritation at his internal struggles.

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