~ With Good Tidings - Chapter 7 ~

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With Good Tidings - Chapter 7 - Betrayal Hurts.

Marinette barely registered the fact she was moving. Or being held, until a thumb caressed her cheek and it snapped her out of whatever stupor she was in. She instinctively tried to squirm out of her predicament, arms flailing, only stopping when she heard a shout of alarm, and stinging, as they both fell to the ground.


She looked up to find Felix, laying spreadeagled on the ground, holding his nose with a dignified pinch.

"Ouch," he grated out, as he sat up, a stream of red coming from his nose.

"Oh god, Felix, you're bleeding,"

"Yeah, I know," he replied, pinching his nose. The bleeding slowed to a persistent drip.

Marinette reached into her pockets, and brought out a now scrunched handkerchief, with her signature flower emblem on it.

He raised an eyebrow at it with a skeptical look.

"It's clean, I promise you," she said, holding it to his nose gently. "I-I'm so sorry,"

"'M fine," he spoke, a little nasally. He reached up to hold the handkerchief accidentally putting his hand over hers. Her hand was so small, he noticed. But deadly, he remembered when Ladybug punched him, and the current nosebleed.

Marinette went a little pink, realising how soft his hand was over hers.

"W-What do we do now? Lila's turned them against me, l-like she said she would," Marinette gulped, starting to breathe quicker, almost panic-like. "I-I can't go back there,"

Felix moved his left hand from bracing himself, to gently tilt her face up to look at his own, partially bloodied one.

"Hey," he said, softly, "I've already told Bustier that you weren't feeling well, and that I was escorting you home. So, shall we go home?"

He picked himself up off the ground, with a quiet groan, and held out his left hand again, to help her up. They stopped by the locker room, to pick up their bags, and Felix escorted her out the school, and to the Bakery.

"I'd offer for you to come to my place, but I'm currently staying at the Mansion, with that idiot," Felix said dryly. "And it'll be more believable if you actually go home too," he explained, whilst they waited at the pedestrian crossing. Marinette nodded.

The walk light lit up green, and Marinette started walking, with a small nudge from Felix.

They reached the bakery, Felix having put the bloodied handkerchief in his breast pocket, and Marinette still shaken, but more numb.

"Hello–OH!" The short woman dropped what she had, and ran over to the two teenagers. "Marinette! What happened!?"

Marinette shook.

"You!" The woman turned a stern look on him, "Speak!"

"The pathological liar got her hands on her," he replied, briskly. "I got there in time to see the witch sauntering off," he explained.

"Why are you covered in blood?" She fretted, her kid or not, it was never a good thing to see anyone covered in blood.

"Marinette smacked me in the face by accident," he replied, "It's all good,"

Felix patted Marinette on the shoulder gently, as the shorter woman led them both through the Bakery and up into the living area.

"Do you have to go back to school?" She asked the boy.

"No," Felix replied, "I've already covered what they're learning at the moment, so I can help Marinette with her school work,"

"I'm Sabine," she held out her hand, in greeting. Felix accepted it gingerly, and gave a handshake in return. "My husband Tom is down in the bakery still,"

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