~ With Good Tidings - Chapter 10 ~

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With Good Tidings - Chapter 10: Homeward Bound

Felix tucked into the second serving of the delicious lamb dinner hungrily, as the rest of the table watched on, mildly interested.

"If only all the people in the world reacted the way you do to our cooking," Tom smiled, as he reached for his cup. "You make us food-orientated people very happy,"

Felix smiled, not showing his teeth because he had a mouthful of food. "Well, it's really delicious, and part of me is going to cry on the inside when I have to go back and eat that...food at the Agreste mansion," he said, as he finished the serving in record time. "Thanks for the dinner," he said politely, "I really enjoyed it,"

"Hehe, we could tell," Sabine laughed, "We're happy to have you over, and all, but it's a school night and you should really be heading home now. I don't want your mother to worry about your whereabouts,"

Marinette nodded, "I'll walk you to the door," she said. "Wait for me outside," she whispered when they were out of sight.

He nodded, and she opened the door, they walked outside and she shut it behind them.

"My parents are curious people," she explained quietly. "They'll want to see what they can spy when they think we're not aware of them,"

"Well shall we give them a show?" Felix murmured with a smirk. Marinette's face exploded into a red blushing fire before he even finished speaking.

"N-no kisses!" she whisper-yelled.

Felix chuckled, and settled for giving her a warm hug instead. Marinette could feel how warm he was, and it wasn't a bad thing. She could also feel how lean he was too. How alive he was. She definitely enjoyed this.

He let go.

"Well, I should call my friend to come and get me," he spoke. "I'll let you know when I get home safely, and I'll see you at school tomorrow," he said, gently brushing her cheek with his forefinger.

"See you, Felix," she blushed, looking to her feet.

Hearing her say his name like that, well, didn't that bring a rush of emotion Felix didn't quite know he had. He figured it had to be a good one, no matter how strange it felt at the moment. Marinette winked, and then turned to go back inside.

"Did you kiss?" Marinette walked straight into her mother.

"Maman!" Marinette gasped. "No!"

"Oh Marinette, it's a part of growing up!" Sabine replied, "No need to get embarrassed over it," she said, "Besides, I'm sure he'd rather like that, all boys love that,"

"Maman!" Marinette whined.

"Tom, back me up here!" Sabine called out.

"It's true, honey," Tom's answering shout replied.

"O-Oh well, maybe next time!" Marinette brushed it off, "I'm going to bed!"

Sabine sighed and let out a soft chuckle as her rather flustered daughter ran up into her room and shut the trapdoor with a dignified slam. Oh well, she thought. It was bound to happen one day.


Felix stood there, waiting for Ladybug to come and get him. It was eight o'clock at night, and he could have sworn something was watching him. He looked up, into the night sky, seeing the odd star there.

"Hope you weren't waiting too long," Ladybug winked, as she hopped down from Marinette's balcony.

"No, I wasn't," he replied, "But I did hear the sudden shout of alarm as you were jumped by your mother," he chuckled.

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