~ With Good Tidings - Chapter 12 B ~

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With Good Tidings - Chapter 12B: Lila Liar Pants On Fire.

Continued from Part A...

Felix watched, budding concern blossoming into almost full scale panic as he watched how the snivelling snake turned akuma completely handed Chat Noir his butt on a silver platter. He watched, as Ladybug retreated, and hit the wall. He watched with shock, as the akuma bolted at her, and just missed sending its fist through Ladybug's throat. He looked on at Ladybug, who delivered a hard kick to the akuma in front of her.

"Yes!" Felix cheered, as he saw the akuma fall back. Everyone's attention was on the Ladybug and Akuma showdown, and he found himself staring at the unconscious form of Chat. Ladybug started running, looking back his way. She offered a concerned frown, and kept running, the Akuma hot on her heels.

"Where'd Chat Noir go?" one student asked, and a few people turned around. Chat was no longer laying there where he'd been knocked out.


Felix dragged the unconscious hero away from the crowd, and laid him down on the benches in the locker room. It was the safest area he could find, away from prying eyes, or akumas. He currently held the bright red yoyo that was meant for Ladybug. It didn't look broken or anything, he realised, just a bit dirty.

Suddenly, the transformation wore off, and a black cat...thing...flew out of the ring on the superhero's hand. Felix found himself staring at the unconscious form of none other than Adrien Agreste.

My cousin is Chat Noir. Chat. Fucking. Noir.

The cat thing flew to Adrien's face and smacked it, trying to rouse the boy. "Ugh, he's out like a light," it grumped. It then saw Felix standing there, mouth wide open.

"Hey, you there," it barked. "Do me a favour and put this on, will you?" it gestured to the ring on Adrien's finger.


"Well, Chat Noir needs his ass out there!! Ladybug's in trouble, and he's out for the count at the moment," the cat thing snapped. "You've gotta step in for Chat at the present, just make sure you give him back the ring,"

"Um," Felix gulped, "What are you?"

"A kwami. My name is Plagg. Now, hurry up and put the ring on!" Plagg fretted. He flew above Adrien's head and looked down at him. "Don't worry kid, we'll be back, with the Bug to boot," he petted the unconscious boy's head lightly, and flew back to Felix.

"Alright, what's your name...?"


"All you gotta say is 'Claws Out' to transform, and 'cataclysm' when the time is right," the kwami explained. "Do not tell anyone of my existence, you could probably tell Ladybug who you were, but you can not tell her about him," he said, pointing at his cousin. "Boss's orders,"

Felix nodded.

"I've a bug to save," he said. "Plagg?"

"Yes, kid?"

"Claws Out!"

Felix felt the magic rush through his body, mind and soul. Black leather covered his usual clothing, his eyes became cat-like, and he had two ears set upon his head. He wanted to not draw attention to the fact he'd never used a Miraculous before, so he willed himself to look exactly like Chat Noir usually did.

Felix grabbed the baton from agaist his left leg. There had to be some differences to the costumes, he hummed to himself. The ears and hair were the same, as the mask was too. There was no bell, he wasn't into odd kinks he told himself. The tail, he could get some getting used to, but he figured that'd be fine for the one day he was filling in as Chat.

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