~ With Good Tidings - Chapter 5 ~

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With Good Tidings - Chapter 5: Dinner with the Relatives.

Adrien kept shooting odd little glances Felix's way through the entire night. Everytime he'd look Adrien's way, his cousin would suddenly look elsewhere, and it was driving him insane.

"What are you playing at!?" he finally cornered his cousin. "You've been irritating me all afternoon with that," he asked.

Adrien smirked. "You like her," he giggled like a promiscuous little five year old.

"How old are you again?" Felix narrowed his eyes at his cousin.

"Like, almost fifteen," he answered.

"You're acting like a total five year old at the moment!"

"Well sorry but its not every day my cousin likes someone!" Adrien said, dodging the futile glare sent his way.

The two boys were inside Adrien's room, whilst they waited for dinner to be served.

"I should ask for dinner to be served in here," Adrien muttered. "But Father wouldn't allow that,"

"Tsk, Father this, and Father that," Felix scoffed. "I see you're definitely still listening to him,"

"Of course, he does put the clothes on my back and food in my stomach, you know,"

"Yeah, but he's coddling you too much!!"

"Are you worried about me, dear Felix?" Adrien pouted, with a playful smirk, as he pegged the closest couch cushion at his cousin.

Dear Felix. The pillow smacked him in the face, as something literally hit him

Where had he heard that befo–OH that was what Marinette had called him. He went red at the realisation.

"Are you okay, Felix?"

"I'm fine," he said, "Just you caught me off guard," Totally not going to say to you that you made me think of a very cute Marinette taunting me with that exact manner... Felix levelled his cousin with a stare.

"What went on in that locker room, hm?" Adrien hummed, playfully, "Is Marinette more of a minx than what she lets on?"

"Why? What does she usually act like around you?"

"Well, to be honest," Adrien sighed, this topic always saddened him a little, "I don't think she likes me very much,"

Felix couldn't believe his ears.

Adrien thought she didn't like him? When the truth was very much the opposite? Hm, I have to tread lightly here...Felix thought hard for a moment, because I could end up pissing Marinette off big time here...

"What makes you think that?" he eventually coughed out.

"Well, for starters, she can be having a laugh and good conversation with say, Ivan or Juleka, and I'll go to say hi to her, and she'll instantly clam up or squeak, then there's a Marinette shaped dustcloud in her place," he said, "Or, she'll just act really odd around me," Adrien sighed, laying back on the couch, his feet dangling over the arm. "Say, Fe, how does she act around you, anywho?"

Felix shrugged, "Well, she was quite sassy," he answered, "once she got comfortable around me I guess,"

"Must be just me then? But how? I've been in the class with her for over three months now, and Lila's newer than I am, and she doesn't stutter around her! Hell, she's even sassy around Chat Noir!"

"Chat Noir, you say?" Felix's curiosity piqued, "How would she know Chat Noir?"

"Well, he did save her a few times from various Akumas," Adrien said smoothly, "Seems she's very attractive to evil butterflies," and cats, Adrien kept that last bit quiet. He was Chat Noir, after all, not that anyone was allowed to know that.

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