~ With Good Tidings - Chapter 9 ~

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With Good Tidings - Chapter 9: Stunning.

Felix was stunned, he realised, as he held the blue haired girl in his arms, as she wrapped her arms around him.

In a way he was ecstatic, in another way, he was frightened.

What did this mean for them now? He wondered.

They broke apart, sitting a good thirty centimetres from each other, watching everywhere else but the person in front of them. What Felix could see from the corner of his eye, was Marinette's bright pink blush, and how she bit the tips of her fingertips, trying to not lose her composure. He figured he was a blushing mess, himself.

"Uh," he coughed, "N-Now what?" He tore his gaze away from the poster of Adrien in that perfume commercial, the one where he was running across Parisian rooftops wearing all white, and looked back at Marinette, who'd done the same.

"U-Um," she stammered, "W-Well..." she began, "We both like each other, am I right in saying t-this?"

Felix found himself nodding. "But we hardly know each other," he admitted, "Yeah, sure I know what your favourite colour is, and that you want to be a fashion designer when you're older, but we don't really know each other,"

"Yeah..." she said, looking down again.

Felix was quiet for a bit.

"But," he said, "I've got an idea,"

Marinette met his eyes again.

"What is it?"

"Why don't we just get to know each other first?" He suggested simply.

"As friends?" She asked, "Or, more than that?"

"Well, we both seem to be attracted to one another, so I guess we could try being more, affectionate to one another," he replied. "But I won't do anything that you won't want to do,"

She nodded.

"I-I'm grateful for that," she said. "I'm pretty sure that what we're planning to do is called 'dating'," she laughed.

Felix felt dumb.

"Oh, yeah, you're right," he mentally kicked himself. He reached forward, jokingly, and caressed her cheek with the knuckle of his index finger gently. "You're amazing," he cooed, then coughed. "Uh, did I do that right?" He asked, a bit embarrassed. Marinette was already pink -- if she could get any pinker, she'd be a vibrant rose. Not that she already isn't one, Felix thought absentmindedly.

"N-No, I think you got it," she stammered.

"Do you want to do anything to me?" He asked, then hurriedly back-pedalled, "Ugh, that came out wrong!"

Marinette giggled, "I know what you meant," she stretched and stifled a yawn. "Sleeping with someone you're fond of is a good bonding experience," she said, then realised what she'd said could be taken wrongly, "Uwah! I-I mean, just sleeping beside them!" She burned red with embarrassment. Felix nodded.

"Yeah, it does," he said, "Be it sleeping beside one another, or with them, it's definitely a good bonding experience," he laid back onto the chaise again, making himself comfortable. "You're welcome to kick start that good old bonding," he made a noise halfway between a laugh and a snort. "Just so you know, I wouldn't be worried if you did sleep with me," he laughed, with a sly wink.

"It's a bit too soon to be talking about that," she laughed, a bit awkwardly.

"Yeah, I know," he said, "I was trying to be funny,"

Marinette reached out and poked the tip of his nose.

"Save the comedy for later," she said, and laid down beside him, her head resting against his chest. She could hear a steady, loud heartbeat, that seemed to accelerate when ever she moved, but would calm down again in no time. The heartbeat's steady, continuous rhythm began to lull her to sleep, and soon, she wasn't aware of anything.

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