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Y/N's POV :

'so y/n , it's your first day don't stress yourself out huh?' bangtan's manager Nim says to me
'but what if they don't like me or my work ?' I ask looking confused
'no , you did great as a junior stylist you'll do great now as well , just chill and Be positive '
'mmhmmm ok ' I say and I enter into the Green room

"Guys , here is your new stylist her name is Y/N, she used to be a junior stylist you must have seen her around styling the backup dancers
'yes I have ..she's cute ' hoseok says and smiles
"Ooooooowhhh" jungkook and taehyung teases me making me smile

'umm.. so I picked a few outfits for you guys ... *Nervously chuckles* umm.. each of you will have three options to choose from ' I say as I smile until my eyes reaches to hoseok

He smirks at me knowing I'm pretty nervous

"Yoo let's do this " namjoon says as he claps getting everybody else excited


"Her choices are so good !" I hear Jin oppa and taehyung oppa talking

I chuckled happily and as I continued to arrange their outfits

" Yoongi oppa , try this on once " I say handing him the outfit
He comes out looking like the perfect man he is

He pulls my cheeks lightly and says " nice choice " and I continue to walk towards hoseok oppa to give him his outfit

" Oppa ? Would you try this on ?" I ask hanging out his outfit
"This ? You want me to wear this ?" He says frowning his eyebrows and looks around and says
" Look at them so happy , and I gotta Wear this garbage?" He leans in forward as he says the last part
"It's ok , I'll wear it , but you'll pay for it " he says and walks away biting his lips making me release my breath with a stutter


An hour after the award show -

They come to the Green room all tired and worn out

"Y/N , it's so tiring, help me take off this and my make up and I'll go to sleep " taehyung says smiling
" Ne oppa , arrayo o , you sit here drink some water , your assistant stylist will do it ' I say and I give him a bottle of water

"Y/N can I see you " jungkook oppa calls out
"Ne oppa " I say as a hand grabs my hand and pulls me back
I turn around to witness hoseok oppa grabbing my wrist and pulling me closer
"Oppa , jungkook oppa is calling m-"
"Send somebody else " he says looking deep in my eyes Making my heart pound

I just nod and tell ( XYZ ) to attend jungkook

"You need to help me... Let's go " he says as he pulls me
" Hey , where are we going oppa?" I say as I look at him softly
" To your car " he says
"But oppa , you're supposed to be with the tea-"
"Shhh ... Just walk "

We reach to the car and he asks me to get in as he sits on the driver's seat

"How did you get my ke-"
"Somehow" he says and drives

" Oppa , where are we go-"
" You'll know babygirl" he says as my heart skips a beat

Why is he being so uhh , it turns me on so much ,fuck

I say to myself and look at him

He parks near the park and looks at me

"Y/N , what is it with you ?"
"... Huh...?" I say as he grabs my hand
"Come out "

He walks near the bench and smiles at me
He walks close to me and wraps his arms around my waist making it to my butt coz his arms are that long

"Don't you feel it " he says almost whispering into my ears
"Ah ... Wha-" he cuts me off as he pulls me closer
"What's happening with us?"
"What exactl-" I was cut off as he kisses me
He pulls me closer by my waist and chuckles between the kiss
He parts from the kiss just to notice me all shocked and pulls me even closer crashing my body onto his as he licks my earlobes
"Ah...ho-" I moan softly and he cuts me off as he kisses my lips again

I could feel myself feeling the heat on my cheek
Unknowingly my hands travel to his clothed dick as I rub it softly and remove my hand I notice my deed

He slides his hand down my butt as he lifts up my little pleated skirt and pulls down my panties
"Ooppa what are we-"
"Shhh" he just shushes me as he pulls down my panties and lets them slid down my leg
He pushes me onto the bench and spreads my legs as he starts kissing my thighs and legit biting my inner thigh coming closer to my womanhood
He sits down on his knees as he continues kissing my thighs almost leaving marks
( Authors POV):
" I've wanted to do this for so long y/n" he says making you chuckle yet Making you realize how wrong it was
You were about to open your mouth to ask him to not continue with it but that's when you felt his pink soft muscle also know as his tongue onto your pink folds
You couldn't resist but roll your eyes back as you feel his warm breath hitting your pussy
He moves in a rhythmic way which makes you move your hips to the pattern causing yourself to be completely lost in the moment
Soft little moans escape your mouth
You felt your legs trembling unknowing what you were feeling
It felt good yet you were scared because of the pain you felt on your lower abdomen
'cum for me ' jhope says seductively as you release your liquids unknowing how you feel about it AS HE CONTINUES TO LICK YOUR PUSSY FOR A WHILE
'you did great baby ' he said as he got up and sat next to you
You just smile and give him a light hug
" Put on your panties , it's time to go " he says walking out on you

Mmmmkbye ♥️

FUCC YEAA <J HOSEOK  [ Completed]✓Where stories live. Discover now