movie night

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Author's POV :

It was bangtan's long awaited movie night that was planned by Y/N's brother namjoon

" We bought chips and beer " hoseok said as he entered with yoongi
" Hyung you both were so late " jimin said pouting
"STFU as if anybody cares " yoongi said and sat next to jungkook almost sleeping cause duh he's yoongi

" Omg , taehyung you heard that " hoseok asked looking at taehyung
"Hmm nah-uh" taehyung said nodding not really paying attention to what hobi was saying

Hoseok just pouts and continues to watch the movie , but all hoseok could think about the moan he heard
He was sure it was from y/n's room

"I'll be back I need to call my noona "
Hoseok said quickly getting out of namjoon's room


You were rubbing your clothed womanhood as you were letting out soft moans which unknowing turned loud at times
" Ah fuck mmhmm" you kept moaning to yourself

" Uhm.. Y/N" You hear somebody knock at your door
You quickly walk towards the door acting like you weren't doing anything
You peeked through the door to see hoseok standing their
"You okay ?" He asks
"Mmhm? I am " you say and smile
"You need me ?" He asked
"Excuse me ?" You say as you look at him eyes wide open
He just chuckles and pushes you away from the door as he enters and locks the door
"You know Y/N, it's a dumb idea to masturbate when your brothers friends are over "
" It's non of your business ho-"
" I think it is " he says stepping closer to you
" Because you don't seem satisfied with your whiny moans , you want somebody right " he says as he grips on your butt slightly pulling you close
" No , I don't , it's my sex life non of your business okay , get ou-"
" I'll go only if you masturbate for me and let me know that you don't want this dick of mine " he says pointing at his dick
" There's no way in hell I'll be doing th-"
" Then I'll go tell the boys" he says and chuckles
" Okay , I'm not ashamed of that , masturbation is a normal thin-"
" Come on Y/N , I know how you moan taking my name in your room when we go for practice"hoseok says smiling at you
" You kne-"
" I did , I mean .... Remember when we were trainees I used to come here with namjoon to learn more about producing and teaching him dance ..? "
" Ye...? " You say confused
" I used to come here for you after a few months cause I thought you were hot, but you never seemed to care about me , but one day I heard you moaning my name and panting , I knew you wanted me since then but I never had the chance to show you how much I wanted you Y/N"
" Then show me " you say tugging your hands onto his basketball shorts as you kiss his cheek, down to his jawline
" You really... Wanted me didn't... you, y/....n? " Hobi said slowly panting and tugging his fingers around your waistband
" I - I always did hob...hobi " you say and kiss him roughly
" I'll show you how bad I wanted you too" hobi says pulling down your pants and pushing you on your bed

He crawled upon you and kissed your neck roughly and pinned you between his arms
"I'm going to go so hard yet passionately" hobi says before biting your collarbone

He positions himself inside your hole and moves up and down slowly to let you adjust
He gripped your hips and moved it along with his whilst he kept kissing your neck and shoulder roughly as he slides up your top and takes off your bra
"Ah hoseok , keep doing that" you say as he moves faster
You shiver at his thickness knowing it's deep inside of you
"Fuck I've always wanted, ah hos-" you were cut off by his kisses on your boobs and all the biting
Your tongues twirled around eachother as you passed on heated kisses
"Nnna- gah ah , hoseok I am going to cu- " your voice was breaking due to all these moaning
" Me too y/n -ahhh" he moaned as he hit one last thrust before you both hit your orgasm and collapse onto eachother
" Fuck hoseok , we should do this more often"
"Yes I'd love it " he says making you smile as he pulls out of your pussy
" I should get back " he says and smiles as he puts on his pants
Heyyyyy !!! Anyways I'm running out of ideas lol
K bye

FUCC YEAA <J HOSEOK  [ Completed]✓Where stories live. Discover now