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Authors POV

" Y/N , get me my towel, I forgot ehe " jungkook screams from the washroom as you set up his outfit for the day
"Ne oppa " you say as you search for his towel and remembered you let in the dryer

You walk out of the room to the laundry room and see hoseok and yoongi talking and laughing

You look at them for once and continue to do your work
You take a glance at jhope as you left because he looks so damn fine

You look at them for once and continue to do your work You take a glance at jhope as you left because he looks so damn fine

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You walk to jungkook's room and hand him the towel

You go to the kitchen to grab some coffee and biscuits to comfort yourself
That's when you hear foot steps as you use the Keurig to make your coffee
You turn over to witness hoseok near the counter
You just look at him and smile

Just ignore his presence and pour out your coffee , as you place your coffee on the counter hoseok clears his throat grabbing your attention
"Um.. y/n ?"
"Ne?" You ask raising your eyebrows
" Um.. would help me clean out my closet ? "
" Ah.. oppa I would bu.. ut .... " You paused as you watched him coming closer to you
" Jungkook oppa has some work wi-"
"Deal with him later y/n" he says as he pushes me onto the counter
"But-" " I am his assistant I have to do what he asks me t-"
He cuts you off as he slowly licks your neck leaving little marks and makes his way to your lips
He looks at you deep in the eyes and you feel your breathing turn to panting as you pull on your shirt lightly
He lightly presses his lips against your Making your feel his warmth as he hugs you
You move your lips wanting more and close your eyes as his hands move up to your bra hook
As he unhooks the bra he starts using his tongue for access , you part your mouth slowly letting him do his job
He lightly bites on your lower lip making you feel the pain and pleasure
"Ah hoseok" you say in an inaudible tone as his hands lightly squeeze your boobs
He pinches your nipples as he continues to kiss your lips making it to your cheeks and your jaw line
"You wanna make it to the room ?"
You just nodd not wanting to let him go as you kiss his lips again
"You're so needy " he says as he picks you up and let your legs wrap around his waist .
HE walks up to his room and pushes you against the door and kissing your neck roughly as he uses on of this hands to lock the door
He kisses down your neck to your collarbone biting on the edge as he takes off your shirt
He picks you up again laying you over the bed as your quickly undo your pants and panties
"Slow down , I can do this to you all day , I'm free " he says winking as he takes off his shirt revealing his perfect abs
You bite your lips clenching your finger on the white sheets
He leans over to your stomach and kisses your bellybutton making its way down to your hips and to your opening
You buckle your hips for better entrance and all he does is chuckle and kisses your thighs
His cold bare hands travel to your back ,it send shivers down your spine as you felt the cold
He parted your legs making way
He blows in front of your womanhood softly as gives it a little lick which makes you gasp
He slowly rubs your pussy spreading all your wetness evenly
"Ah, hoseok pl-"
"Don't plead baby , I'll give it all to you" he says making you close your eyes from the feel of his fingers rubbing you
You bite your lips and gasp deeply as you feel his finger inside your hole
He gives it a few pumps Making your adrenaline rush but soon Making you feel empty down there as he removes it
He unbuckles his belt making you feel excited but stops after undoing his button
He again does the same blows on your pussy before giving it a little lick
But this time making movements, making your pussy clench against his tongue because it's that sensitive now
He makes you feel empty once again
You feel frustrated from feeling the same way from your hobi
". 'seok-ah please do-"
"Shh, have patients babygirl" he says as he lets down his pant
You look to have a view of his dick but only witness his black underwear which shows how bad of a boner he had
He comes back to your pussy as he inserts his index finger adding another one after two pumps and starts licking your slit making you shake from the feeling
You felt like you were close just when again hoseok did the same , made you feel empty .
"Don't do this hoseok , stop teasing I want you so badly " you say heavily breathing and wanting him inside you
He quickly got rid of his underwear and banged on you suddenly
His actions made you gasp loud and moan loud
"Ah hoseok yes , right there , fuck ah"
"Yes baby go on "
"Ahhh yes yes yes , fuck yes ! I'm so close ha " you kept moaning loud feeling you orgasm so close

" Y/N!!!!" Hoseok growled as he released all over you
You felt his hot cum running down your pussy onto your thigh

Both of your were breathing heavily
Hoseok comes up to you and kisses you and says " wanna do it again ?"
" Tomorrow 'seok-ah" you say as you wear your clothes on and wink at him feeling the pain in your pussy


Yooooo !!!!!
Hope you enjoyed
K bye ✨

FUCC YEAA <J HOSEOK  [ Completed]✓Where stories live. Discover now