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Authors POV-

It was your sixth anniversary and again like the last 2 years you're alone tonight since hoseok has to work and practice

You eat your dinner alone as you watch ' friends' on Netflix
'ahhh.... Every year I have to be alone ...'
Was all going on in your head

You quickly did your dishes and sat on the counter as you texted hoseok

You quickly did your dishes and sat on the counter as you texted hoseok

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You locked your phone and jumped down from the counter
You lay in bed looking at the ceiling as tears ran down your cheeks
'no Y/N ! Stop it ! ' you said to yourself as you got up to make your bed

You slid off your mesh maxi dress and walk towards the shower as you play ' just give me a reason' on your speaker and step into the shower

You let the warm water rinse down to your body as you close your eyes focusing deep into the music
You take your shampoo and apply it on your scalp as you massage it and spread it to your lengths

"Happy anniversary my love " he says holding a bouquet of roses and leans on the wall with his grey hoodie and sweat pants
" What the hell hoseo-" you were cut off as he steps into the shower and kisses your lips
You lips melt into his minty fresh lips
"Mhmmm" he moans as pulls your naked body closer
Your unclothed boobs touch his soft hoodie making it wet
" I am so sorry " he says as kisses your shoulder as he bends down to reach onto your boobs and take one of your nipples into his mouth
It almost feels like they are melting in his mouth
"Hah....ah" you moan as he softly bites on your nipple as he pulls and plays with your other nipple
"Can we take that off" you say pointing to his hoddie and he does as instructed
"Shit you're so hot " you say pulling him closer and grinding your unclothed womanhood onto his now hard stuff
You chuckle softly and nibble on his neck softly as you pull down his shorts along with his boxers
"Lemme show who's the dom here " you say as you kneel down on you knees as hobi switches off the shower
" Shit y/n " he says as you take in his full length all at once
"Mhm...." You moan before bobbing your head to pleasure him
"Oh god y/n" he moans as he throws his head back rolling his eyes to the back of his head
"Oh don't stop "
"yes y- y/n " you felt his voice hitch which signalled you that he was close
You start to Bob your head faster making him to let out a high pitched moan and release his liquid
You wiped off the excess from your lips
"Shit y/n you're so hot " he says as he turns you around as you face the wall
" Don't try to be the dom ! Cause this is not about ruling it's about us " he whispers into your ears sending down shivers
" Mh...mmm" you moan softly as you felt him put in his dick into your ass
"Shit! HOBI!" you almost screamed
"This hole of yours is so tight" he says biting your shoulder to send even more pleasure
" Oh my god" you moaned as you buckled your hips backwards so that he goes deeper
"Shit shit shit!!! Hobi - gah- fuck yes " you moaned as you looked at him with your lustful eyes
"Oh god y/n cum for me "
"Ahh mhmmmm" you moan as you release and rode off your orgasm
" Shit y/n you're so fucking hot , happy anniversary" he says as he takes your hand and wraps it around his neck as he picks you up
"You deserve another round " he says as he puts you down on the bed making the bed wet just like your pussy with all your cum

Yooooo !!!! Syke !!!
Sup sup !!! Hope y'all are good
K bye
I'll update soon :))

FUCC YEAA <J HOSEOK  [ Completed]✓Where stories live. Discover now