sucker for you

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You put on your favourite black dress and zipped your back before putting on some lipstick to the go

You walk down the stairs as everyone stares at you
Being the daughter of an amazing record label owner had a great impact on your personality but you really didn't like that , all you liked was being true to yourself that's why you tried to avoid being with celebrities from your mother's company as much as you could but these anniversary and success parties always made a way for you to connect with them .

You walked towards your mom who was sitting with her new ' trainees' and talking
"Hey y/n" your mom says as she gets up to hug you
You knew all these love thingy were just for show otherwise she's not like those mothers
" Guys this is y/n my daughter and these are my new trainees and that's hoseok he's a member of the new group that Just debu-"
" Mom I know him" you say as you smile at her before leaving well fake smile

" Hey hey , Y/N" you hear hoseok calling out from the back
You turn around furiously " what ?" You say looking deep into his lustful eyes
"You look so beautiful today " he says placing his hand on your back and pulling you closer
" Hoseok a lot of people are here " you say pulling him away and walking out to the bar
" Hey you want it " he says kissing your bare shoulder
"I don't , I'm tired of you using me just for sex " you say as you walk upstairs , well you did that to avoid him but technically you invited him upstairs

He quickly grabs your wrist pulling you into his chest
"Hoseok let g-"
"Ahhhh" he says and puts a finger on your lips
"Gosh how I've missed them " he says before kissing your shoulder sending chills down your spine
" Hoseok stop" you say trying to pull away
"Oooh ... Why weren't we doing this baby " he says lustfully making you roll your eyes in pleasure or him breathing down your neck
"Because you were busy Boning your styli-"
" Not just Boning she's my girlfriend y/n" he says kissing your ears

You looked at him furiously pushing him away as hard as you could
"Chill , I'm joking , I mean she is my girlfriend but she ain't special like you , she doesn't make me feel as good as you do y/n " he says pulling you back in as his words melts you down into his chest letting him have you
"Then show me I'm special, better than her , show me I'm YOURS " you whisper into his ears as he pulls you into your room

As you both are inside you are pinned on the wall with him taking off your long black dress leaving you on your bodysuit

"This is all mine" he says as he strips you off and kisses on your neck
"I want this " you moan tugging on his dick

He pushes you on the bed as he takes off his pants and bangs into you
"Ha-gah-hoseok , fuck ah " you moan loosing your senses to him
"You're all mine y/n , how does that feel "
"Fuck hoseok I'm cumming yes ahh" you kept moaning until you felt yourself burst in a  vulnerable way

He quickly licks it all for you and gets up to change his clothes
"You're leaving already?" You asked
"Shut up y/n , I can't be with you twenty-four seves- " he says as he does his tie
" But you said I was your-"
" Yes , that's why I'm using you , don't you get that "
"It's always like this ! Why ? "
" Shut up " he says shutting the door behind him , making you feel miserable

Sorry this is short
More are coming soon
K bye 💞

FUCC YEAA <J HOSEOK  [ Completed]✓Where stories live. Discover now