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"Seriously?Jungkook!!" You screamed to your best friend as you see him enter the classroom and sits next to his girlfriend Leena

"Y/N, please understand, it's the only class we have together for today, we have the whole day together right?" He says and smiles
" Ugh fine " you say as you sit alone rolling your eyes

"Ay , Y/N , you could sit next to me " jimin your crush said to you winking slightly
"No thanks " you say hiding your soft spot for him

You sit there alone rolling your eyes and putting your head down on the table  in the last bench

Your ex boyfriend JUNG HOSEOK Comes and sits next to you , but you didn't notice it was him because he never sits near you he always sits near his best friend yoongi so you never even had a thought so you just ignored his presence

"Yah , y/n? "He calls out knocking on your head softly
'what the fuck ?' you murmured and looked up to face him
"Mrs. Park is here " he says raising his eyebrows
You look at the front desk to see your teacher
"Yes miss Y/N , are you awake ?" She says sarcastically and you just smile awkwardly

Soon all the attention from you faded and you were again pissed sitting next to your ex

"Hey" he whispers as you turn your head to look at him
"How have you been ?" He whispers again
"Non of your business" you say looking away
" Come on Y/N , our past is gone now , let's be back like normal , the way we we-"
" The way we were ? You cheated on me hoseok , I have had enough" you say not in a whispering manner
" Yes miss Y/n, anything you want to share with the class ?"
" Sorry ma'am" you say looking down at your hands , which was placed over your thighs
Hoseok intertwines his hand into your as you look at him without speaking
"It's been almost six-months since our break u-"
"So what ? Time didn't change what you did "
" I know what I did was bad , but don't you wanna know why I did it or how it happene-"
" I wanna know nothing hoseok , nothing at all "You say covering your face with your hands thinking about how good everything was between you too just when Mrs. Park speaks up
"Yes mr. Jung and miss y/n ,you both are staying back after school, you're gonna clean up the old storage unit"


After class -
" Ugh another 30 mins with you !, It's gonna be hell " you say as you roll your eyes walking toward the storage room
You open the door to get flashbacks because that's the room you caught hoseok and the cheerleader team's captain making out

You let out a sigh and look at hoseok
You give him a look of aggression and get to work as you start cleaning the corner which was filled with spider web
"Ahhh , hoseok " you screamed as you saw a little spider climbing up your hand
He quickly flicked it out of your hand and pulled you to face him
You had your eyes tightly shut
"Y/n ,it's gone" he says as you slowly open your eyes and hug him without having any thoughts
"It's okay y/n chill " he says as you realize what you were doing
You push him away but not very far because he's pretty strong
You swallow a gulp you felt on your throat as you looked at him
You looked at his silky smooth hair and lowered your eyes to his shiny brown eyes and to his lips
Without a second thought you pulled him closer by his tie and kissed his lips
You pulled away to see if he was down to kiss you back
"Y/n, we should get back to wo-" he said trembling which made you realise that he wanted it too
You again pulled him into a kiss as tears poured down your eyes
"Hey , y/n ? What's wrong"
"Kiss me " you said as your voice broke little bit
" It's wrong y/n , we shouldn't do i-"
" Just do it hoseok, for this one last time , I want you " you said as hoseok walked closer to you as he pushed you onto the wall
"This is exactly what happened with chiyaki" and crashed his lips to yours
*Chiyaki the captain of the cheerleading team*
His hands travelled to your waist and made it's way to your but as he puts his hands under  your skirt  , trying to drag your panties off
Both of yours breaths becoming heavier and hotter
You unbotton your shirt exposing your black Lacy bra
"No y/n"he said as you looked at him confused
" Let's take this to my room " he says as he quickly helps you button up


Yo a second part for this will soon be up I promise:))

Sorry I had to leave it like that
But y'all needy bitches gotta have patience broo

FUCC YEAA <J HOSEOK  [ Completed]✓Where stories live. Discover now