Break the wall

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It's been a year since you've been dating Jung hoseok , a kpop trainee at the moment , you haven't seen him in weeks and you get tims with him today

You walk to him as you get out of school
You hug him tight , your boyfriend who has been waiting for you outside your school
"Omg I'm so hungry" he says kissing your plump lips
" Mmm... Not here , I might get into trouble" you say pushing him away
" Oh shut up , I'm 18 now " he says pulling you close for a hug
" Ah ...? I'm 16 ...? That is the problem baby " you say hugging him back

You both quickly get home and sit down to eat
" Oh ajhumma didn't prepare tteokboki today " you pout
"Stop whining eat what you have " he says feeding you

Time passes and you both sit down and watch a movie
"When does your aunt come back?" He asks biting his lower lips
" She has 3 more hours " you say confused
"Okay " he says pulling you closer for a kiss
"Mmm... Hoseok , not today " you say pushing him away trying to concentrate on the movie
"What ...? We met after like a week and a half and all you wanna do is watch a movie ?"
" Hmm? Yes I do , what do you wanna do " you say frowning at him
" I wanna take what's mine " he says licking your lips
"You mean your handkerchief you left behind? , Fine I'll give it back before you lea-" you were cut off by him kissing you , this time passionately more tongue than usual
"You're so dumb" he says before unbuttoning your school shirt
You help him take it off
He looks at your face once and attacks your chest
He unhooks your bra and pushes it up revealing your boobs
You help him take them off as you start panting due to his actions
A little moan escape from your mouth making you wet down there and making hoseok smile through your skin
"Fuck ah ,hoseok hmmm.." you moaned throwing your head back
He pulled down your panty and slide up your skirt making sure you're comfortable revealing yourself to him
"Do it hoseok please" you say begging him as you bite your lips

He runs his finger through your wetness spreading it evenly
"Oh my god mmmhm... Yes "
"Hoseok , make me feel good please"
" Ummmm , sure " he says sliding in his index finger
" Ah " you gasp due to the sudden action
"Tell me if it hurts" he says and moves his finger gentlly
He thrusts for a while adding his middle finger making you moan
"Fuck hoseok , ah yes " you said panting trying to catch your breath
"Hoseok - I - I want your d- dick ah "
"But y/n you're just 16 , and I don't have a Condom"
" Please "
" Just break the wall today , I want it by you , I don't know *panting* if we'll be together forever , give it to me today ,I want to loose my virginity to you " you says as he unbuckles his pants and slams into you making you gasp loudly
"Ooh fuck yes " you moaned continuously grabbing onto the living room couch
" This is uncomfortable" he says picking you up not taking out his dick
As he moves to your bed room
"Stop whining baby , I'll fuck you now " he says as he places you down on the bed
" Mmm.... How does it feel " he asks biting your nipples softly
You gasp out of pleasure
"Ooh , baby cum for me " he asks as he speeds up his thrusting
"I can't - I ah hoseok I can't "
"Try baby just try please " he says going agressive
" Ahhhh omg fuck " you scream as you feel your juices dripping out
"I broke the wall baby " he says as he comes up to kiss you while he strokes his dick after its out of your pussy to reach his orgasm
He shoots his seeds onto your stomach making you laugh

K bye take care guys

FUCC YEAA <J HOSEOK  [ Completed]✓Where stories live. Discover now