" I like this situation better"

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Authors POV-

It's been a year since you've started dating hoseok , you are meeting with his parents today and you're super nervous while jhope has a mischievous plan going on his mind

" Okay what now ?" You said as you put on your earings
"Mhm.. I was thinking about getting you off of this dress and push you against the wall and put on the button like vibrator in yo-"
" Seriously no hoseo-" you were cut off as he pushes you on the bed and kisses your lips softly
" Mhmm.. hoseok , we have to reach at your parent's place in an hour "
" I know just this " he says as he pulls down your panty and inserts the vibrator in you
"Oh my god hoseok no" you say as you get up and try to take it off just when he starts the vibrator at the first setting sending you pleasure
"Oh my god hoseok"
"Don't take it off , let's go " he says as he takes his car keys and wallet as he leaves

You roll your eyes as he switches the vibrator off

"Hoseok I'm taking it off " you say as you try to take it off  just when again he starts the vibrator on

" Ah hoseok" you moan feeling it vibrate
"Shut up baby " hobi says as he has a smirk on his face
You kept biting your lips and squeezing your thighs together trying to make it stop

"Here we are" he says stoping the car along with the vibrator
" Hoseok I was about to cum"

He just rolls his eyes ignoring you

"Happy anniversary mom , dad" hoseok says as he hugs his parents

" Happy anniversary Mr and Mrs Jung" you say bowing to them

" Heyyy, y/n-ah , we've heard about you so much " hobi's mother says and smiles
" Let her in yeobo" hobi's dad says as hobi's mother rolls her eyes

" So shall we have some snacks ?" Hobi's mother says as she smiles politely

" Oh , I'll help you " you say as you walk to the kitchen
"So, do you like wine or beer !?" His mother asks
"Beer with friends, wine with family" you say and laugh as you feel the vibrator vibrates on your cunt again
"Oh" you moan out loud
"Hey you okay ?" His mother asks
"Ne , I am fine , I need to use the restroom" you say as you walk towards a room which turns out to be the guest room
"I'll go after her " hobi says as he leaves his parent alone

He enters the room to see you sit in front of the dressing table as you squeeze your legs together

"There is my baby "
"Hobi, please stop this , or let me cum, please ,my legs feel like spaghetti "
" Ooh aww , get in bed " he insists and chuckles

You quickly get in bed ready to take off your dress just when hoseok stops you
He pushes you to lean on the bed frame and takes off your panty

" Look at that cunt " he says as he smiles and pushes the setting to the last setting
"Oh my god " you scream and widen your eyes hearing yourself scream so loud

" Calm down " he says as he shoves his tie in your mouth

You try to escape from it, trying to catch your breath but you soon loose yourself in the vibrations you feel down there
"God hoseok , I don't think I can last " you say and hold on to the bed sheets hard
" You will trust me " he says as he takes off the vibrator and then switches it off
He looks at your pussy clenching on nothing making himself hard
"Hoseok please don't play with me anymore , let's get this over with " you say muffled and  breathlessly
" Aw baby , just ask for it , but just because you're finished doesn't mean this is over "  he says as he takes the tie out and slides down your dress
You buckle your hips to take it off
" God y/n you're so hot for what " he says as he hovers over you and slides his middle finger in you
" Ummmm so wet " he says as he spreads your wetness
"God hoseok,let - let me cum please"
"Calm down baby , you'll see stars today "
He pumps his finger slowly making you feel frustrated of the speed
" You know what I wish to do now ? , Push you against the wall bite you all over , tie you down and fuck you , make you cum multiple times but neh I like this situation better " he says as he speeds up his fingers
" My god hoseok ,yes please "
"I want your dick"
"Beg for it love " hoseok says and smiles
" God hoseok please I need you inside me , so badly"
He quickly gets rid of his clothes and slams into you
"Ooh this pussy is always so tight" he says as he chuckles softly
"Hoseok please, harder "
"Yes baby , harder " you keep begging

He bangs you hard and harder making your legs feel numb
Sweat dripping from both you
Each of you wanting more of eachother
"God hoseok"
"Yes baby I'm cumming" he moaned as you both undid your knots as you came together
Hello it's your author 💜
She back and she better 😌
I hope y'all enjoyed this k bye

FUCC YEAA <J HOSEOK  [ Completed]✓Where stories live. Discover now