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Author's POV-

You were typing in the invoice in your computer and getting frustrated since you've worked so hard to build your company and still have to do most of the work
"Miss YOUNG, MR. Jung is here "
"Oh send him in " you say without looking at your assistant

" Hey baby " he says as he comes in a hugs you
"Please hobi , I'm working" you say without looking at him
He just hmphs and sits in front of your desk with a pout

"Oh come on Y/N , I miss you " he says trying to get your attention
"We met like ...... 4 hours ago " you say as you look at your watch
" Oh god " he Whispers and rolls his eyes as he goes through his phone with hella hot look on his face

You clear your throat trying to get his attention but he doesn't even move his eyelids

You get up and stand in front of him
He just looks at you , up and down and raises his eyebrows

" Why did you come here ?" You ask politely and smile
" Just because I didn't have anything to do today"
" Oh ...? Then lemme give you something to do today huh?" You say and bite your lower lip
" Why you say it like that?" He says and smirks
" Hm... Get up and start stripping" you say as you walk to close the door
" Y/n , now is not the time "
" Aha ? Really ? You didn't come here to get fucked ?" You ask and smile
He nervously looks at you and nods a 'no'
" Okay ... I had plans on asking you to fuck me hard on the table , against the glass wall while the blinds are up , against the door and make me moan , but okay " you say as you turn to get to your seat as he pulls you in and makes you sit on his lap

"No , let's do it " he says as he kisses your neck
You feel a bulge on your thighs and smile acknowledging how horny he gets for you

You push him away and get on your knees and undo his pants
"Sit tight ,and call out my name when you feel pleasured " you say as you swirl your mouth around his member
" Oh ... Mhmm" he Softly moans
"Don't be so noisy already baby "you say as you start to Bob your head onto his entrance
" Hm... shit y/n!" You look up to him pulling away
" It's miss young" you say as you again start getting back to what you were doing
" Oh yes , miss young,right there "
"Yes baby , I'm cuming"
"Shit, yes miss young "
" Fuck !!!!" He curse as he let off his load

You smile as you rub off the excess that dripped down your mouth

You slowly let open the buttons of your formal shirt
He looks at your now exposed breasts as he pants

You take off your formal skirt leaving yourself in the open shirt and your underwear

You walk to him in your heels and take off his tee-shirt and kiss his collarbone reaching to his chest as you bite and leave marks at few points

You now let your panty slide off as you take his hand and lick his finger before letting them rub your already aroused and wet pussy
"Damn how wet " he said and bit his lip
"Mhmm....." You moan as you unclasp your bra and let go off your shirt , leaving yourself completely naked
"Shit you're so sexy " he said as he got up
You clear your table pushing everything out
" Lick me " you command and spread your legs
He slides the chair and sits in front of you and starts licking your pussy and your wetness
"Damn hoseok" you moaned softly
"Hmm" he moaned sending vibrations through your body
"Ahhhh , fuck .. me now" you said as you looked at you as he got up pushing the chair away
He puts both your legs above his shoulder and pushes his huge member onto you now deep in already , he lets you adjust to it before pulling it out so that the tip is attached and then starts to thrust in and out
"Oh lord .... Hoseok " you moaned and scratched his back
" Yes miss young , you're so tight" he says as he moves faster
"Oh god , hoseok , you're such a turn on " you say as you laugh
He picks you up and pushes you against the wall
" Let everyone know what miss young does with her boyfriend during work"
" Oh god yes " you moaned breathlessly
" Shit more " you moaned as he banged harder
" Hm...."
"Cum for me " you said as he released inside of you making you smile
"Let's get you to cum " he says before pushing you against the door

This time the thrusts were faster , the biting on your neck was sexier and needier
"Fuck yes " you moaned
He bit on your ears as you felt his breath

You heart rate speed up real fast and you felt a coil in your stomach
"Fuck hoseok,I'm cumming"
"Yes miss young, cum for your baby boy " he says as he bangs you one last time as you release panting heavily

Yoo !!!
I actually have a fantasy of fuckin someone in a office ahahhah
K enjoy , bye

FUCC YEAA <J HOSEOK  [ Completed]✓Where stories live. Discover now