break-up 2

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You reach as he quickly locks the door
He quickly takes off his pants and his shirt revealing his toned abs
You open your shirt and undo your bra as he walks to you and kisses your neck
"That day with chiyaki , we both got detention for being late to dance class, she - she begged me to kiss her once and that's when you came y/n , it wasn't me I know it was my mistake to kiss her but I've always loved you and I'd never do anything to hurt you " he said breathing heavily as he bites down your collarbone down to your chest

He takes your right nipple in his mouth while he pinches the other

He pushed you to the sofa and pulls out your panty and wraps you leg around his neck
He spits on your womanhood and starts rubbing it
"I've missed you so much" he says giving your pussy a kiss
As you let out audible groans
He uses his tongue to pleasure you and his index finger to give you pain after every two thrusts he adds another finger , until his ring finger
You shiver out of his touch
"Ah , hoseok , I want , ah I want you-ur coc-ckk ah , inside me" you said as his fingers twitched inside of you
He quickly takes off his boxers and gives himself few sloppy strokes

He rubbed the tip of his dick on your already aroused swollen yet wet pussy

You were panting hard looking at him
He gripped your hips with his left hand while the other placed on your inner right thigh
He thrusted himself him
"Ah , HOSEOK" you spoke out of pain
It was just that on thrust that hurt but soon you were lost in his rhythmic move which turned into pleasure
"I've missed very inch of you y/n" he said as he kisses your stomach leaving marks obviously
" Your little pussy is still so tight ,I love it ah" he said panting in a low tone
" Fuck 'seok-ah ha , I'm so close "
"I'm cumming"
"Then come " hoseok said as you released your liquid
You felt yourself dripping from your pussy
Hoseok still kept on thrusting but you didn't complain
"Ah y/-n, ah , yes , I'm cumming fuck yes "
"Ahhhh " he groans loudly as he releases his liquid inside of you which drips out of your pussy eventually

"I love you y/n" he says as he pulls out of you
You get up and hug him as you stroke his dick softly and whisper
"I did hate you a little maybe, but I've never stopped loving you " you say and kiss his cheeks softly


Sike ! Here is the second part , k bye ♥️

FUCC YEAA <J HOSEOK  [ Completed]✓Where stories live. Discover now