".... come see me more often"

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you play 'BLACK SWAN' on your phone as you connect it with the Bluetooth speaker

You sway your hips with the music , you do a little body roll as the music hits the drum beats

You look at yourself in the mirror, you roll your perfect hips biting your lips and then laughing at yourself for doing that

You hear the door click as you turn around shocked to see hoseok standing leaning on the door
"Yah ! It's not your practice time yet why are you here ? " you ask being annoyed
" I know , I reached a little early" he says rolling off his eyes
You quickly pause the music and switch off the speaker
"What are you doing here ?" He questions
" I am a trainee here hoseok , we can use the practice room as well " you say with a little smile
" Ye right"
" By- by the way, how much of that did you see?" You ask
" Every bit of it" he says and chuckles
" You dance well , you should come here and dance more often"
" At this time I'm always here before you guys come , so I do dance often " you say and look deep into his perfect eyes
" You should come see me more often " you say getting shy as he walks up to you and grabs your phone and switches on the speaker again and plays the music once more

As the music starts to play he walks towards you and when the beat comes
He pushes you onto the cold mirror and kisses your neck
"Mmmhm " you moan and click your tongue
He leans on your pulling you closer and you feel his bulge in your crotch
"Hoseok oppa you're so hard already?"
"You're such a good kisser I can't help me y/n" he says pulling your black nike shorts down
He lifted your shirt "arms up honey" he said as you did
He now left you only in your underwear and bra
"Fuck , your body is so perfect" he said grabbing your hips and getting on his knees biting them and kissing them slowly
He tugged his index finger in your waistband and started sliding them down
You squeeze your legs together because your that shy and embarrassed
"Don't y/n you're beautiful" he says comforting you as he blows down there
You close your eyes feeling his warm breath hit your heat
"Fuck hoseok-ah oppa please"  you say as he picks you up and puts you on the bar

( you the these dance bars right?)

He spreads your legs as rubs your clit spreading your wetness evenly you felt his ribs turning into inserts in your opening making you a moaning mess
"Ah ah , ho - hoseok I ,I need your coc-ck inside of me " you said panting heavily
" Yes baby " he said as he pulled down his sweatpants and boxers revealing his dangling dick
He rubbed it miking your and his wetness together in your pussy before shoving it in slowly

He slowly shoved for a few times making you go crazy
"Fasten it ho- 'seok-ah" you said holding onto his shoulders
" Ahhh fuckk " you said as you felt your orgasms building
"Ah I'm cumming, ah I'm cumming... Ahh ahh ye" hoseok kept saying as you felt a little twitch before releasing your juice
"Ahh hoseok ah , it was so goo-" he cuts off of with a kiss
This time the kiss was more passionate then lustful
"Y/n , it's been years you've been training here , Everytime I see you makes me go crazy , me reaching early today was my plan , I love you y/n , let's date " he says as you both pant
" Yes I love you ho-mmm" you were again cut off by his passionate kiss

Yo yo yo
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FUCC YEAA <J HOSEOK  [ Completed]✓Where stories live. Discover now