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New Concrete.

page two, chapter one.

by mani.




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Her eyes felt like boulders, blinking once or twice to regain the sights that were blurred. Sitting up, she groaned, rubbing her eyes off of the crusts that laid in them.

She let out a sigh of relief, standing up once the train doors opened. She followed behind the many people that made it out of the train exit. Once she stepped off the train, she breathed in this new air.

She couldn't quite tell if this was what she wanted, but she couldn't decide yet, she was still in the underground. Knowing this, she decided to make a move, walking through the crowd of people who were making their way to do whatever they came to.

Her music rang through her ears, as it felt like the sweet voices moved from her left ear to her right. She grunted in aggravation, trying to squeeze her body through the hot sweaty people, who for some reason lost memory of how to walk.

Back home wasn't ever this crowded. It was spaced out, breathable. The strong smell of cigarettes danced its way through her nostrils, making her screw her face in discomfort.

Walking further, she found herself in front of a moving escalator. Lifting her foot, she stepped, letting it carry her to the top floor. She finally made it, greeting the top floor. Now here, there were even more people than before, making her even more aware and alert.

"Ugh" she groaned, scanning the areas that all the people walked. As she stared, she felt a strong bump hit her from behind, jerking her forward, causing everything that was held in her hands to fall.

"Bro watch where the fuck you're going. What the fuck!" She spat out, picking up her stuff. "Well maybe if yo ass weren't just standing in the middle of the fuckin station, you would've never got hit. So watch yo mouth, ight?"

She stood with the quickness, turning her head towards the deep voice that spat back at her for something that she felt she wasn't at all at fault.
"Me? Who the fuck are you talking to? You don't know me from no where!" She yelled back, turning her whole body towards him.

His brows were inwards, his nose scrunched and lips pouted. She scanned his face, with the same expression on hers, scanning him from head to toe.
She analysed his outfit, his body language.

His fists were balled, not too tight though. His skin was a caramel brown that glistened in the dull light of the station. His pouted lips, a rosey pink.

Being slightly shorter than him, she looked at him, almost at eye level. He wore a white tank top, that appeared a bit dirty, with a dark blue jean jacket on top, with black jeans paired, sagging a bit.

His short black dreads stood, in a mess that he surprisingly made look decent, she'd stubbornly give him that. The anger in the both of their eyes were easy to sense.

The longer the both of them stared at each other, the more tension built. But she didn't care for it, she didn't allow it jerk her. And neither did he. In this moment, the both of them fed off of it, they both tackled each other without the slightest realisation.

Both of them were ticking bombs, but who was really about to explode first? What if both of them did, who would be able to fuse better than the other?

People moved around them, but they still remained centred, looking at each other.

She continued to look at him. She carried on scrutinising him, with the desperation of knowing exactly what he was thinking in this moment of agitation.

His chest moved up and down, staring harder she saw the tattoo that was written across it that slightly peaked through his tank top.

His face tats took her by surprise, but didn't once intimidate her. She cleared her throat, not breaking off any eye contact with him.

"Like I said before, watch where the fuck you going. Ight?"
She said sternly. His tongue glide against his teeth, still maintaining eye contact with her. "Good." She finished, moving her suitcase away, walking through the crowd of people to her next destination.

He stared at her as she walked, in complete irritation. He shouldn't let her go, he wouldn't allow it. His eyes followed her as she struggled to move around the bodies surrounding her. Today, he'll let it go, but he'll see her again and he knew it.

Already, an argument. She just got here, and she
had already gotten into an argument with some guy she barely knew. That turned her off, but she wasn't going to allow it take away the goodness that could be of this trip.

Finally, making it outside the air brushed her skin, allowing her finally feel good after the crowdedness in the area she was in previously. Without wasting any time she continued to walk.

Her music continued to play, but soon got interrupted by the sound of her phone ringing. She groaned, as she usually did, taking it out of her pocket to see who was calling her.

'Mama.' It read. A small smile spread across her face, tapping the green button to answer. "Hey baby" the velvety voice spoke, a voice that she intensely missed. "Hi mama, I miss you." she replied delicately.

"I miss you too baby, how was your trip?"
She sighed, pressing her lips together. "Yeah, it was okay." A lie, but a white one, only to not add any worry or annoying questions she might get about her travel down here.

"That's good. Mama can't wait to see you, I made your favourite."
She could hear the gentle smile that spread across her mother's lips as she said that, making her heart do nothing but flutter. "Oh mama I'm so excited." She grinned, continuing to walk.

"Me too Milo. Okay, imma see you when you get here, okay?" She nodded "Yes ma'am."

The two finally ended the phone. Hearing from her mother brought her to a calmer state. She was no longer hot, she was no longer angry about any situation that occurred in the station. She felt calm, happy and excited. She wanted to see her mother, it had been years.

She didn't know where everything was quite yet, but she definitely would learn. This was new, but who ever said new was bad?

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