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The wind blew through her hair as the two of them walked hand in hand. Her eyes seemed to be sinking lower the more steps she took. Kassandra stood by her, looking at her every once in a while.
"So who was that boy at the party?" Silence "Milo!" she called, pulling her arm back. "Yeah! Yes, yes. What?" Milo responded, now alert. She rubbed her eye, continuing to stroll. Her grip onto Kassandra's hand tightened as she felt loose. Her arms and legs ran heavy, as she continued on the walking. The attempts of seeing what was ahead of her became difficult as it all became more hard to make out.
"Fuck, ion feel good." She slurred. Kassandra let go of her hand, standing in front of her. "Kassandra I-" Milo's surroundings became hazy, turning around to try see the things around her. She tried her hardest to try make out what was going on, but she couldn't quite understand it. All she knew was a silhouette stood in front of her one minute, then the next she was on the ground.
The world turned black.
A sharp pain in her neck woke her up almost instantly. Opening her eyes seemed difficult since her eyelids felt like they were being weighed down. She blinked a couple of times to clear out the blur. From what Milo had seen, she had realised she was in a vehicle. Soon it began to dawn on her.
In front of her a man drove, and beside this man sat a seemingly familiar girl. Seeing her sat beside this stranger brought her to a calmer state. Feeling restricted from movement, she peered down and payed notice to the ropes tied around her wrists and ankles. It was as if she was a prisoner in handcuffs.
Before given the opportunity to put 1 and 2 together, the girl took a look behind her, Milo closing her eyes immediately, still leaving them open enough for her to be able to tell when she had turned around.
Seeing the woman revert her head back to the front, Milo opened her eyes again once more, further inspecting the ties around her wrists and ankles.
The car ride seemed to have been silent before the girl spoke, directing her speech towards the person that sat beside her. "How long we got left to get there?" she asked impatiently, adjusting more in her seat.
"My nigga, we almost there. Fucking wait." The raspy voice spat back. The girl remained quiet, peering outside of her window. Milo bit her bottom lip, attempting to keep quiet at the back of the car. Her body grew hot with anger, heart beginning to beat at a rapid pace.
Her mind filled with many different scenarios that worried her further. What exactly was happening here? And why was she tied up? How did she even get here in the first place? The questions repeated, with the addition of more adding to her puzzlement.
She twisted her wrists, finding intense discomfort with the tightness of the rope wrapped around it. Her hands soon grew numb, and this feeling brought further torture. Wherever they were headed, she hoped they'd arrive there soon, as much as she still was in complete bewilderment.
"Here." The car came to a halt, parking beside what it seemed to be a dark building. In the pitch black and the position Milo laid in, it was difficult to exactly make out the area.
She heard the door in front of her open, this girl taking a step out, then the hooded stranger. Closing her eyes immediately, Milo felt the icy breeze outside once her door opened. "She's still fucking knocked out." The woman giggled, grabbing onto her arm and roughly pulling her from the backseat.
Milo heard the voice of what she assumed to be the hooded stranger, asking the girl if she was sure, to which she answered yes. Milo felt her body being tugged and pulled on. Lifted in the air for a brief moment, she felt the alcohol in her stomach move, being flipped over what felt was a strong broad shoulder, all while acting as limp and as 'knocked out' as she possibly could.
She felt this person take steps, walking forward towards whatever was ahead of them. This rope still tied around her wrists and ankles, her eyes opened being faced on her stomach, hair flipped over.
She watched from an upside down view of where she was being taken to. They seemed to be getting closer and closer to one building. Soon, she had seen what she had assumed was a door. "Unlock this shit, you've got the key." The man spoke. The woman stepped in front and did as told, inserting the key inside of the door, twisting and turning it until the door opened.
From Milo's view, it appeared like the girl stepped in first, then the person carrying her walking in after. Stopping at the entrance, the hooded man had turned on the light, walking in and opening the door in the entrance, also flicking the switch, the light revealing what appeared to be a living room.
A red wine coloured couch seemed to have been spotted, Milo gently being placed on it laying down on her back. Her eyes still closed, but a little bit open to be able to view her surroundings. The hooded man looked over Milo for a couple of seconds, before stepping back, finally walking away from her completely.
Milo heard the door creek open and gently slam, the room suddenly felt empty. Trusting the feeling, Milo deemed it safe to open her eyes. Once doing so, she scanned her surroundings. The area was small. One tv, two bloody red couches in one and another corner of the room, along with curtains that matched.
The floor a light brown wooded ground. Simple and small. Milo still laid in a panic, trying to become familiar with what her surroundings were. She still felt a strong fear, not knowing whether to reveal her consciousness or not.
Perhaps she'd be knocked out with a hammer, pinned down and stabbed with a 9 inch needle. What was there to expect at this point? She was here, tied up in an area she had never been or seen before. What exactly did this all mean? She had no clue.