Excluded And Included

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There was a lot of noise browsing through the Hogwarts Express that late June as they were leaving the Hogsmeade entrance. Some of the peers had tears streaming down their faces, while others were relieved that they had no more homework, soon to have their bubble burst because their mate would remind them that they have Summer homework to do for Professor Mcgonagall. That's exactly what Happened to James and Sirius,

"Fuck yes! no more homework!!" Sirius yelled as the Marauders barged into their compartment sitting in their usual places, Sirius adjacent to James, and Remus next to Peter. 

Remus sighed, opening his bookbag and grabbing his new muggle book out:- Two Truths and a Lie. "Sorry to break it to you Sirius, but Mcgonagall assigned us Summer Homework about our new Topic for next term:- Animagi." Sirius groaned throwing his head back, James following his actions soon after.

"Really Remus? Great topic to start the Summer." James sighed, he was obviously joking...right?

"Well I'm excited for homework! And mummy's cooking too! I heard she's making my favourite cookies!" Peter squealed like a pig. No one was really listening, apart from Remus of course, who didn't really have a choice. Peter sighed as he saw that no one even paid attention to a word that escaped his mouth, pulling out his colouring in book of Hogwarts, that had every detail and part of Hogwarts. Remus drew some of the pictures of the secret passageways, along with the Marauders Map and did a simple spell so it was added to the collection. Peter was glad that he brought his entertainment along with him so he could keep himself occupied so he wouldn't die of boredom. 

James accioed his fan and started to fan himself, getting to the point where he couldn't move his arm because it was getting too tired moments later. James stood up, "Blimey it's hot in here." He went to move the security latch on the window, "Is everyone okay with the window down?" everyone nodded in agreement wiping the sweat off their heads and James opened the window, sitting back down again, starting a conversation about Quidditch with Sirius as they usually did or just gossiped about girls specifically the way girls did about boys.

Hours had gone past and The Marauders weren't doing too bad. Remus was still reading the same book almost coming to the end of his thick book. Peter had passed out with bits of melted Chocolate hanging out of his mouth, his colouring in book sprawled out on the floor, forgotten. Then there was James. He laid there, with his feet on Sirius' lap, his mouth slightly open with his glasses crooked on his face. His messy Raven black hair standing in all sorts of directions. But  Sirius was absolutely bored out of his mind. He hated sitting around, he always liked to be up and about, like when a Cheetah sets off for it's prey. He sighed, glancing out the window, examining the scenery while the wind blew through his hair. The older Black dreaded going back to The Black household. He hated the thought of having to face another Summer with masses of abuse and yelling, telling him that he was a disgrace, wasn't worthy to have the label of The Black's heir, Blood traitor and other impulsive words. Those words struck Sirius like a wooden stake driven into the heart, especially when they came from his mother's filthy mouth. What Mother said that to their children? He was sure, even one thousand percent positive that James', Remus' and Peter's Mother's didn't lay a finger on them, not with such cruelty anyway. He'd completely had enough. He couldn't stand another minute in that dark and gloomy house that is his so called home. His parents had brainwashed his brother, Regulus. Luckily Sirius was able to snap out of their trance, but Regulus on the other hand hadn't quite got his head around about what was exactly happening. The older Black had tried so hard to teach Regulus that, that wasn't the correct path to follow, that'd lead you to Azakaban, but he thought that Sirius had gone completely, and utterly, mad. 

Sirius sighed as he felt the hot Summer air of London as he stepped out of the Hogwarts Express. He hated hot weather. He didn't know if he disliked the moment when you get outside and you immediately start sweating profusely, or the moment when you get out of the nice and refreshing water accompanied by the pool or beach and you have to take a shower afterwards because of how natty and disgusting your hair feels. He felt the tears brim to the surface as he saw Walburga and Orion Black standing in the distance. He looked away, knowing that if they had spotted him, he'd be taken straight back to that foul place without saying goodbye to his mates. He joined the group hug that his mates were sharing.

"I'm going to miss you guys." James announced holding onto his friends tighter. All three boys nodded in agreement, "You too James, You too." Remus smiled lightly. All four Gryffindor boys said their farewells one last time before separating. 

James had turned around, racing up to his Dad who was searching for him. James came at him with so much force that he'd tackled him, Fleamont grunted. "Bloody hell James! you gave ya old man a right scare." He chuckled before engulfing him into a hug. He gave his only son a peck on the head, ruffling up his already messy hair. "I missed you, Jamesie." James gave him a playful punch, "Dad I'm thirteen now, I don't need baby names." The truth was he only wanted Sirius to call him that. "Where's mum?" He asked, looking around for her. "Back at the house. Come on, we better get you home before she worries!" 

Peter spotted his mum, Honey. When they lock eyes he starts sprinting towards her, soon loosing his breath and slows down into a fast walk. "Deep breaths Peter." He said to himself before bringing his mum into a bone-crushing hug. "Aw my Petey Boy!!" His mother attack him with kisses he always loved.

Remus greeted his Dad with a handshake before going in for a hug. "Hiya Dad." he smiled, "'Ello Remus." He returned the smile, patting him on the back. 

When Sirius had turned around, His so called parents had disappeared. He searched for Regulus finding no one in sight. He sighed in frustration, but there was also a sigh of relief behind that frustration. He wouldn't have to go back to number 12 Grimmauld Place for the whole Summer! but his excitement soon eased a bit. He had no where else to go. He frantically turned around to see if there was anyone that he knew, but majority of the Hogwarts had left. He sighed in relief as he saw one of his mates that he'd seen ten minutes ago, Remus Lupin. He grabbed his luggage and ran over to the tall, scrawny boy.

"Remus! Remus wait!" The sandy-haired boy had stopped in his tracks turning around to see a pleasant surprise. "Sirius!....W-what are you still doing here?" He asked suddenly concerned. He looked down, embarrassed. 

"Are you okay?" Lyall Lupin asked the teary-eyed boy. He shook his head ever so slightly, "N-no. Y-you see, I-I've got no where t-to go. My p-parents have left me here and I-I've got no place to go." he stuttered, letting out a shaky breath. 

Lyall instantly felt sympathy for the boy. Remus placed the pieces together like a puzzle, smacking a hand over his mouth. "S-Sirius, you never t-told me that your parents-" Lyall instantly knew what was happening, Sirius let out a sob. Remus pulled him into a comforting hug, "Oh Sirius, i'm terribly sorry that I never noticed what you were going through." Sirius buried his face into his chest, uncontrollably sobbing. "Oh my dear m'boy." Lyall said patting Sirius' head due to him not being able to hug him because Remus was already doing that.

"Dad? Can he stay?" The amber-eyed boy asked, "Of course he can! I would be a terrible parent if I were to leave someone with no home til they set off to Hogwarts again." He smiled warmly. "Alright Remus, since your holdin' onto Sirius just grab my arm. We're going to apparate." Remus grabbed onto his father immediately feeling himself going in all sorts of directions until they came to a halt. 

Sirius moved away from Remus and examined the Lupin household. It was a two story house with a nice light grey colour for the outside. There was a nice porch outside that had a chair with blue orchids lining the porches white picked fence. 

"What a homey home." Sirius remarked making Lyall chuckle. "I can tell we're going to have an entertaining Summer with lots of jokes." he smiled brightly.

Sirius felt safe, like it was already his home.


A/N: First chapter done!!! I hope you enjoyed the first part, it was a long one!!

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