Come to my place

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The next morning had rolled quickly around. James Fleamont Potter woke up to hear an Owl tapping at his window, tired of waiting for him to knock out of his slumber. The messy-haired boy sighed, getting up from his bed and opened the window, feeling the hot air seep through. He took one look at the letter and set it down on his desk reading it at a fast pace. Once he was finished he took his quill in one and grabbed a spare piece of parchment and started to write.

To Sirius,

Those bloody bastards! They really need to be taught a lesson don't they? Well i'm glad to here that you've found Remus and that you're staying with him. And yes, you're correct, I did start bloody panicking. Surprisingly, my Summer has been very bloody boring. I haven't done anything besides play Quidditch and watch Doctor Who on my Muggle Television. I miss you too Sirius, I miss all the pranks we played on Snivellus and the times we pissed off Evans. Bloody Evans, she's so obsessed with me it's not even funny. I've had ten letters from her, saying how much she misses me and she wants to meet up and have a quick snog, disgusting. I don't really fancy a snog this Summer. Mum and Dad said that you and Remus can come over for the rest of the Summer, you should come. It'll be great fun. Please write back to me,

Yours, James P.

James folded up the letter and tied it to Adolf's leg and he was off again. The boy sighed thinking of Sirius. He didn't have a clue why he was thinking of him, he had been since they departed at Kings Cross. He sighed looking over at the piece of Mirror that he had.

"Please say that you didn't leave yours at Hogwarts."

"Sirius!!" Sirius jolted awake, digging through his trunk, trying to find his piece of the mirror.

"'Ello Jamesie!!" He grinned, his hair sticking up in all places. "Your Hair!!" He laughed hysterically. Sirius took one look at his hair in the mirror before immediately setting the mirror down to fix his hair. James was still laughing. Remus had woke up, but never moved or said a word.

"What brings you here?" he asked watching James run a hand through his hair. "I was just bored." he groaned causing the older Black to chuckle. "Bored because you missed me?" he teased, James pushed up his glasses, smiling. "Yes actually. I really miss you." He said truthfully. He really did miss Sirius, a lot more than he intended to.

Sirius felt his cheeks get hot, "Aww I miss you too Jamesie!" He grinned widely, making James' heart flutter his eyebrows knitted together in confusion,

Sirius suddenly became concerned. "You okay, mate?" James smiled. "Yea, fine."

Sirius decided to leave so he could have some breakfast but Remus stopped him from doing so,

"A lot of sexual tension there." Sirius turned around, feeling his stomach drop. "Come again?" He said, looking at him pretending to be confused. "You and James." Sirius turned a bright crimson colour. "What the bloody hell are you on about, Lupin?" He said in a low tone. He didn't know why he was getting so defensive about this.

"You two obviously feel something for each other! You're like connected to the hip!" He protested. Sirius rolled his eyes, "That's a very preposterous accusation." he sneered. "James has invited us to stay with him for a few days." he changed the subject. Remus nodded, "I'll have to come back for full moons though." Sirius nodded. "I'll go tell him."

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