James is Gay?

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James heard a soft knock at his door the next day. He got up from his king sized bed (that had the Golden Snitch as the sheets) and raced down the stairs to open the door. He opened the door to reveal Sirius and Remus with their trunks set beside him.

"Hiya mates!" James said with some enthusiasm. The two boys smiled widely at him and waved at him. "Hey James!" The two said in unison pulling them into a group hug. James hugged back, taking in Sirius scent, it smelt like pepper mint like those muggle candy canes for Christmas. Soon enough James found himself pulling away from the boys.

"Peter's here. He came over earlier because his mum was heading off to work." He smiled. Sirius hoped that it was just the three of them, unfortunately, he was incorrect. "That's wonderful, James." Remus smiled.

James moved aside so the boys could enter and bring their luggage up to James' room. James' walls of his bedroom was a rich scarlet red, just like Gryffindor's colour with his ceiling having the Quidditch Pitch at Hogwarts painted on it.

His mum must of done that. Sirius thought.

He continued to look at the walls to see that there were Gryffindor banners hung across the room, one side attached to one side of the room while the other end was attached to the opposite side. He scanned the room to see he had a desk where he had his Transfiguration essay sprawled upon it. His Office chair had the Gryffindor crest on it, the handles and leg chair's being gold. He smiled at James' root for Gryffindor.

"Nice room Jamesie." He ruffled up his hair. James swatted his hand away, instantly trying to flatten his hair with some of his saliva.

"There's not point trying Prongs, you're hair's messy enough." James gave him a glare before setting his hand down.

While James and Sirius were occupied, Remus and Peter were having a discussion.

"Lily said the night before we were about to depart from Hogwarts, she saw James kissing a boy that looked a lot like Sirius. She didn't get a good look at his face but, she was sure of it." Peter looked over at the two boys wrestling on the ground. "It could've been Sirius' younger brother Regulus." the chubby boy shrugged before munching into his chocolate chip cookie. Remus froze. "You don't think James is....Gay do you?" Peter asked his eyes widening, not even realising that he'd dropped his biscuit.

Remus sealed his eyes tightly shut, shaking his head. "No, of course not! Not that I know of..." It wasn't that Remus didn't support the LGBT community, he just didn't think that James would feel that way towards the same gender. Sirius on the other hand, He was for sure one hundred percent Gay. Remus just knew it, but he reckons that Sirius would never admit it....unless James fancied him back!

"I reckon Sirius fancies James." Remus blurted out, hoping the two boys didn't catch what he said.

Peter choked. "But Sirius isn't Ga-" Remus cut him off. "Yes he ruddy is. Can't you see the way he looks at James? with those heart eyes!" James and Sirius' heads snapped in Remus' direction.

James was a bright crimson while Sirius tried his best not to do the same. "J-James, you're Gay?" Sirius asked, shocked. James covered his face, embarrassed.

"I didn't want to tell you guys because I thought you wouldn't want to be friends with me anymore..." James mumbled. "Of course we wouldn't! Remus is a Werewolf and have we haven't left him!" Sirius exclaimed, slightly offended by James' incorrect thoughts.

"Alright I call for a game and a bottle of Firewhiskey!"

James looked at him confused while Remus put his head in his hands. "Oh no."

"Because, we're going to play a game of Truth or Dare, Kiss or Swear."

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