10- You Sick Bastard!

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As the three boys stalked up the stairs to the Hospital Wing, James started frantically yelling. 

"Pomfrey! Pomfrey! Ouuuchhh!!" The woman came rushing out as she heard James' yelling, the horrified look fading from her face immediately when Remus, James and Peter started bursting out laughing. 

"Oh. You boys! What are you doing here? I don't see any of you Marauders here- Wait.. there's one missing.." 

Remus sighed, running a hand through his blonde locks. "You see, that's what we came here for. Young Mr Black has been having some nasty nightmares and we'd like to give him a Dreamless Sleep Potion so he could get some sleep." The werewolf explained. 

Poppy looked at them sceptically before turning on her heel as she rushed to her office. She soon came back a few moments later, handing them the Potion. 

"There ya go, Lads, please use it wisely." She smiled before the boys ran off. 

"No Running in the Hospital Wing!" She yelled, but they were already out the door. 

"SIRIUS YOU SEXY BEAST WE ARE BACK WITH A CURE THAT I'M SURE IT'LL MAKE YOU FEEL ALIVE!!" James yelled as he pranced around the room, doing a little dance. 

Sirius looked up, a small chuckle leaving his lips, "Gettin' up to mischief without me, lads?" 

Remus shook his head. "Of course not, Padfoot. We've got a Dreamless Sleep Potion for you  and-" 

Remus was cut off by a shrieking voice, "JAMES! You told them?!" A tinge of fear escaped his lips. 

James rushed over, placing his right hand on Sirius' tan cheek. "Don't worry love, Moony and Wormtail wouldn't tell a soul." 

"Wouldn't tell a soul we tell ya." Remus and Peter said together. 

Sirius chuckled, chugging the Potion. "Thanks, mates." 

As the week flew by a new one started once again as they were into their fourth week of Hogwarts already. It seemed as though more weight had been heaved onto Sirius' shoulders as an ongoing rumour about him and James came to the surface. Lily Evans being the jealous brat she is, she thought it'd be funny to inform Frank Longbottom (The news person for Gryffindor,) About James and Sirius' affair with each other, which Frank informed Rita Skeeter about. 

As the Marauders did their usual round around Hogwarts for their daily exercise in the morning, something was coming for Padfoot and Prongs. 

"So it's true then? You two fags like it up the arse." Lucius Malfoy called out as his two goons, the Lestrange brothers cackled behind him. 

James smirked, "At least i'm getting some! I don't see your cousin getting on her knees for you." Remus, Peter and Sirius' jaws dropped to the floor. 

"Good one Jamesie!" Sirius muttered. 

"I like to keep Pure, not have some Blood Traitor to ruin the Pureblood race. Not some cockbiter like you who has a dying father due to Dragon Pox." Now it was Lucius' turn to cackle.

But Lucius had gone too far, way too far. He had Sirius' blood boiling so hot, whoever touched him could burst into flames and rot in hell. As his fists were clenched so tight, his fingernails were digging into the raw flesh, blood seeping out through his tightly held skin. 

"B-Black? You alright, mate?" Lucius stuttered, suddenly feeling scared. 

Sirius came full speed at Lucius, just stopping as their faces were inches away from eachother. As Sirius grabbed a fistful of Lucius' now stained white button up shirt, he began to snap. 

"Don't you ever make fun of someone having Dragon Pox. Our uncle wasn't it? He died a painful death and I remember you having a bawly eye  like a small child who was having a tantrum about not having a turn on the broomstick. Calling someone a fag when being in love with your own family member is much worse.. DON'T YOU EVER FUCKING INSULT JAMES FLEAMONT POTTER EVER AGAIN IN OUR POOR EXCUSE OF A LIFE EVER AGAIN!!! YOU GOT ME, SICK BASTARD?!!!" Sirius screamed into his ear as Lucius flinched, tears streaming down his face. 

"Y-yes.." he murmured. 

SMACK! The group of boys flinched as they heard several bones crack in Malfoy's face as Sirius bony fist collided with the blonde's pale face. Then it started. Sirius began punching the boy repeatedly, kicking and punching as big amounts of blood was being spilt. 

James rushed to his side, trying to pull him back. "Sirius that's enough!" 

Remus soon came to his side as he saw that James wasn't making any progress. "Sirius Orion Black get off him! You're going to get expelled!" 

The older Black got off him, the other boys looking away immediately at the state of Lucius. 

"Fuck!" Sirius cursed,

"I'm so fucked."  

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