14- Beaten while escaping.

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"Get in. Both of you." Regulus was quick to get in while Walburga grabbed Sirius by the hair, biffing him into the house.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE YOU PIECE OF FILTH?!" The female black screeched as she slammed the door behind her, making the portraits shake on the wall.

Sirius was quick to get up, careful not to show that he was in pain. "I haven't done anything, Walburga. Maybe you should ask your golden chi-"

The shaggy-haired boy was soon cut off, as a stinging sensation spread across his cheek. "HOW DARE YOU SPEAK OF YOUR BROTHER LIKE THAT!"

The pale woman stormed over to the dining table, snatching the letter from it and threw it in Sirius' face.


Padfoot took it into his shaky hands, reading the title.

                    𝐀  𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 .

Dear Mr and Mrs Black,

It has come to my attention that you've been mistreating your children; Both Regulus Arcturus Black and Sirius Orion Black. As you know we do not tolerate abuse nor mistreating magic.

We ask that you join us at a hearing for you both on the 5th of January next year.

kind regards,
Ministry Of Magic.

Sirius looked up at his mother, smirking mischievously. "That's good isn't it, Walburga? That'd teach you to stop being such a foul cow-"

That was enough to send Walburga flying into a blank rage. She snatched her wand out from her belt, yelling 'Crucio!'

Screams echoed through Grimmauld Place as Sirius arched his back in pain, wanting nothing more but to just curl up in a ball and cry.

"Mother, Stop it! You're hurting him!" His younger brother screamed, desperate to rush to his side.

"I-I'M SORRY!" Sirius managed to choke out, waves of tears streaming down his face.

Regulus breathed in a shallow breath. "It was me! I was the one who forced Sirius to tell Professor Mcgonagall about his experience at home!"

The spell soon lifted as his mother turned slowly in his direction, breathing heavily. "Y-YOU?"

"Regulus- You don't have to do this!" Sirius yelled, panting in relief that he couldn't feel the pain thickening.

Walburga nodded. "Thank you for your honesty, darling."

She turned around, grabbing Sirius by the hair as she strode down the stairs, throwing her oldest son from the top. Padfoot yelped in pain as he heard a crack in his leg. Before he knew, chains were getting tied to his arms as he felt something sharp stab at his back.

"ARGH!" He yelled, flinching away as the whip hit for the second time.

"You have done a terrible thing you bastard! Making your precious brother lie for you. You have such a bad influence on that boy. You must pay for your mistakes!!"

As the leather colliding with Sirius' metallic scarlet covered skin, echoed through the house as he screamed, Regulus winced.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2020 ⏰

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