6- Back at Hogwarts

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The rest of the Summer was a blast for Sirius, Remus, James and Peter.                
The four of them spent hours playing Quidditch, telling stories, getting drunk on the weekends. Unfortunately, Remus had to leave for the full moon, leaving him alone due to their parents leading to be suspicious if all of the Marauders accompanied him. There was only one day left until they all headed back to their second home, Hogwarts. Sirius was down right excited, but he'll miss all the fun he had at the Potter's. 

"These holidays have been a blast, lads." James announced while he was packing his essentials for Hogwarts the next day.

"It really has." Sirius replied, lying down on the couch with his feet leaning against it. Peter was eating his chocolate tarts, some muggle food.


The Gryffindor's went into their slumber quite quickly that night. Due to them being quite tired from the stuff they did today.

James was lying on his back in his bed, staring at the wonderfully painted art above him. The brunette sighed as he tired to get to sleep when he heard a scream come from beside him. James sat up quickly, to see that Sirius thrashing around in his bed, begging for someone to stop. James heaved himself out of bed as he rushed to Sirius' side.

"Sirius! love, wake up!" James gripped onto his shoulders, shaking him. 

Sirius jolted awake as he began to cry, resting his head into James' chest. 

"Shhh, It's okay Siri, i'm here it was just a dream." He kissed his forehead as he tangled his fingers in Sirius' curly black locks. That calm Sirius down, along with listening to James' steady heartbeat. 

That's how they fell asleep, in each others arms, as the sun began to rise.


"James! Wake up!" James' eyes fluttered open as the world was all a blur. 

He grabbed for his glasses as the world came into focus. 

"Sirius? is it time to go?" He nodded eagerly. 

"We're going to be late!" James jumped out of bed, pulling on a black hoodie as they grabbed their trunks and raced out. 

"James! I packed some bacon for you!" Euphemia Potter, James' mother yelled out to him as she held it out to him. James ran back and grabbed it, giving his mother a quick hug before they apparated with Fleamont. 

The trip to Hogwarts was one of the most boring they'd ever had. All James would talk about was how annoying Lily Evans was sending letters, and how disappointing it was when Remus couldn't join them for the remainder of the Summer break.

They'd finally make it to Hogwarts. Sirius felt like he was on cloud nine.

"WELCOME BACK FIRST YEARS! BEWARE, SIRIUS ORION BLACK IS HERE TO CAUSE SOME MISCHIEF!" Sirius yelled as he ran down the path, looking at the horrified expressions that were plastered on the first years faces. 

Remus smacked him on the back of the head. "Bloody hell Sirius! You're scaring the poor kids." Sirius responded with a shrugged before grabbing Remus and James' hand. 

"Come on lads! we're gonna miss the feast!" Sirius started going full speed whilst leaving Peter behind. He heaved a sigh before yelling out; "Wait for me!" 

The boys were one of the last people in, almost having the doors shut on them by Mcgonagall. "You best hope I don't give you a detention Mr Black for traumatising the first years." Minerva had her lips in a tight thin line. It was almost like she was trying to contain a smile that wanted to erupt from her lips.

Sirius blinked. "Are you doing what I think you're doing, Minnie?" He asked with a wide smile on his face. 

"I can't say I am!" She spun on her heel and walked off. 

Sirius and James took one look at each other before bursting into fits of laughter. 

"Did you see the look on her face?!" James wheezed. 



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