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(A/N: during the story there will be flash backs of how this happened but just read for now. Also the beginning is similar to the amazing story by @MagicMary so please go and read her Willy Wonka Story )

"One Wonka bar please."

"Stretchy Taffy."

"Chocolate Birds."

Were out of those. I'll ask Joe. He is a fairly aged man with a wife and a daughter who was older than me. He always has the wonka spirit in him. I admire his happiness for work and his devotion.

"Hey, Joe." I shout to my favorite working buddy.

"Yes, Jackie?" He asked.

"Can you go to Mr. Wonka and tell him we need more chocolate birds?" I ask him. "And Call me Jack"

"Of course." He said and left.

Things here in the Wonka shop are amazing. We started as the new shop on Cherry street and now look at us.
Everybody wants to come here and get a bite of the Wonka candy. I mean, who wouldn't, he's very talented at being a candy maker.

Someone tapped my shoulder and when I looked back it was Joe.

"I will take care of them. Mr. Wonka told me to get you." He said.

"Ok. Thank you" I say to him as I start walking to the back room. I walk through the many workers until I see Willy. He was looking to the side with his back to me. His face was a mixture of happiness and sadness.

I sneak from behind and wrap my arms around his torso. "Hey Will." I say and get on the tip of my toes to kiss his cheek. He jumped until he realized it was me.

He relaxes and turns to me. "Hey Star shine." He said and pecked me in the lips with a short, sweet kiss.

"Why do you call me that?" I ask him.

"Because it sounds sweet. Like you." He said, as a matter of fact.

"You Mr. Wonka, are sweet." I kiss him again. "And I'm not just talking about the taste of candy."

"Why thank you." He said hugging me and putting his face in a crook of my neck. I heard a sniffle coming from him like he was about to cry.

"Will, what wrong?"i ask taking his head in my hands.

"The company called; there making me the factory." He said.

A burst of happiness comes through me. "Oh God Will, thats amazing" I say happily. But his face was still sad. "Whats wrong the factory is gonna be ours."

"Yes it will, but he sold it to me." He said.

"Aaaaand?" I ask not getting the point.

"He said that if I wanted the factory, you couldn't come with me."

"Wha- wait, what? I don't understand, why?" I ask him, putting my hands on his chest.

"The man, lost his family in a hiking accident and he's very sad so he said that if I wanted the factory I had to choose." He said. He let go of me and we went to his office. He faced his desk, his back towards me. "Choose between you and the factory."

"Oh" i say looking down.

"So i'm gonna tell him that I don't want it." He said.

I looked up horrified. "Willy, that factory is a once and a life time opportunity" i say to him.

"But I love you and i'm not gonna leave you." He said. "Even if it is my dream." He looked down.

I go to him and grab his face in my hands. "Will, look at me." I say. He looks up with a sad look. "Willy, that factory was your life goal, IS your life goal, and i'm not gonna stop you. That factory is the only one that big you will ever get a chance to get your hands on. Me? Im always gonna be here."

"But-" i cut him of.

"No Willy" i say. "Here's what your gonna do. Your gonna go to the man, and tell him you want the factory. You will build it and make the best candy in the whole wide world. I'm going to stay. This isn't a goodbye, this is a, See ya later." I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tight.

A tear fell down his face "i will always love you Star Shine."

"I Love you to Willy."

Willy Wonka: A Story Within the Factory (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)Where stories live. Discover now