Chapter 8: Even Winners Loose

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I fixed my internet. My wattpad was lagging so much it never wanted to update and deleted a lot of my un published stories

Also sorry for the poop and short chapter the story is almost done.

Comment and stuff.

Chapter 8: Even Winners Loose

"Well done. Now, we mustn't dilly, or dally. Because we have an enormous number of things to do before the day's out." Willy said as we exited the room and walked quickly down the room back the the elevator. "But luckily for us, we have the great glass elevator to speed things al-" he got cut off by banging himself against the wall of the glass elevator which was apparently not opened. "Speed things along. Come on."

The door opened and we went inside. Willy pressed a button that said Up and Out. We went back and then we started going up.

"Up and out?" I ask him.

"What kind of room is that?" Charlie asked smiling.

"Hold on." Willy said raising his hand. "Oh, my goodness. We're gonna need to go much faster, otherwise we'll just never break through."

"Break through what?" Charlie asked.

"I've been longing to press that button for years." He said smiling, then looking up. "Well, here we go. Up and out!"

I look up to see a glass roof at the very top. "Willy do you actually mean?"

"Yep" he said to me.

"But do you really mean. . .?" Joe said.

"Yeah" he said smiling to him and nodding excitedly "I do"

"But it's made of glass. It'll smash into a million pieces." Joe said.

We were closer, and closer and closer. Until I cover Charlie and I's head and


We were out of the factory in the sky. Then we were falling. I grabbed Charlie and held him closer as we were now  panicking. Willy pressed another button that made jets on the sides of the glass elevator turn on and now we flew.

We looked down to the entrance of the factory to see the other contestants and winners of the golden ticket. Augustus was brown, which means his still covered in chocolate. Violet was still violet but was doing a bunch of tricks because apparently she's flexible now. Them came Veruca and her dad who were covered in trash and the a Very very tall and flat Mike Teavee.

"Where do you live?" He asked Charlie.

"Right over there. That little house." Charlie said pointing to the house.

"The one down the street of the factory." I said to Willy.

As we went closer he literally tore down the roof and landed in the entrance inside the house.

"I think theres someone at the door." Georgina said.

"Hi mom" Charlie said waving excitedly.

"Hi" she said.

"Hiya Buckets." I said to them.

"Hi Jack" they said... Creepy.

"Mom, Dad were back." He said exiting the elevator and hugging them.

"Charlie" Mrs. Bucket said.

"Charlie" Mr. Bucket said hugging his son.

"This is Willy Wonka. He gave us a ride home" I said

" i see that" Mrs. Bucket said staring at the roof.

"You must be the boy's..." Willy said as he struggled the usual parent word.

"Parents." Mr. Bucket asked.

"Yeah" Willy said. "That"

"He says Charlie's won something." Joe said.

Willy, who was looking through the cabinets said. "Not just some something. The most 'something' something of any something that's ever been." Then looked at us. "I'm gonna give this little boy my entire factory."

"You must be joking" I say.

"No, really. It's true. Because, you see, a few months ago, I was having my semi-annual haircut. . . and I had the strangest revelation." He said. "I had a silver hair. In that one silver hair, I saw reflected my life's work, my factory, my beloved Oompa-Loompas. Who would watch over them after I was gone?
I realised in that moment, 'I must find and Heir'. And I did, Charlie. You."

"That's why you sent out the golden tickets." Charlie said.

"Ah-ha." He said when he found Charlie's Toothpaste cap factory.

"What are Oompa-Loompas?" Mrs. Bucket asked. I sniffle a laughter and whisper

"We'll explain later." I said.

"I invited five children to the factory and the one who was the least rotten would be the winner." Willy said.

"That's you, Charlie." I said.

"So what do you say?" Willy asked "Are you ready to leave all this behind and come live with me at the factory?" I smile to Charlie.

"Sure. Of course. I mean, it's all right if my family come too?" He said to Willy. My smile widens.

"Oh, my dear boy, of course they can't." And as Willy said that, my smile disappears. "You can't run a chocolate factory with a family hanging over you like an old, dead goose. No offence."

"Non taken, jerk" George said.

"A chocolatier has to run free and solo. He has to follow his dreams." Willy said. "Gosh darn the consequences. Look at me. I had no family, and I'm a giant success."

Right there my heart broke. Was that why he told me that I couldn't go? Was I always a burden? Was the rejection of me in the letter a lie?

"Now I get it." I said with tears clouding my eyes. "I was just a thing holding you back from your dreams. I was just hanging around like a dead goose."

His face was now written with regret. "No i didn't mean it like that." He said.

"But you did." I said. "I don't know what to say anymore Willy. I thought you cared, I thought you had a heart. Congratulations, your the world's best chocolatier but I never knew it would ruin the amazing guy I used to know."

He opened his mouth to say something but i cut him off. "Was everything we been through real? Or was it just one big lie until you reached the big time?"

His face was full of hurt, his eyes were glossy and he had guilt and sadness written all over it. He came over and tried to touch me, give me a hug but I pulled away.

"Whatever, I'm just gonna go." I said. "Good bye Buckets" as I exited the house and went down the right street that leads to my house.

Yeah. I have a house but my home is with the Buckets. Tears go down my face as I run towards my house. I enter and go to my small bed and just cry.


Did he really mean it?

Did he ever love me?

Was I just fooling myself that he would feel the same way after all these years?




Why did I go into the factory?

Willy Wonka: A Story Within the Factory (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)Where stories live. Discover now