Chapter 4 : Chocolatey Disaster.

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We all walked in with shock filled faces. I look around the room over and over, pinching myself to see if this was a dream or not.

"Don't loose your heads." Willy said. "Don't get over exited" he looked directly at me and our eyes met. "Just keep very calm."

"It's beautiful" I whisper while my eyes were getting teary.

"What?" He said looking back to me.
"Oh, yeah it's very beautiful" he smiled at me.

We all started walking until crossed an arch on top of the chocolate river, right until we reached the side.

"Every drop of the river is hot, melted chocolate of the finest quality." He said as we kept walking over a larger arch/ bridge thing on top of the river near the chocolate waterfall.

"The waterfall is most important." He stopped and said loudly due to the noise. "Mixes the chocolate. Churns it up. Makes it light and frothy." He turned around to keep moving but he stopped and turned to the group. "By the way, no other factory in the world mixes it's chocolate by waterfall, my dear children." He said. "And you can take that to the bank."

Then we kept moving a little more until Willy said. "People" he pointed behind to a plain circular machine with pipes. Willy pointed to them and said. "Those pipes, suck up the chocolate and carry it away, all over the factory. Thousand of gallons an hour.... Yeah" the smile on his face never left. "And do you like my meadow? Try some of my grass." He waved his arm to the grass. "Please have a blade. Please do. It's so delectable and so darn good looking."

"You can eat the grass?" Charlie asked. I smile to him in pure joy.

"Of course you can." Willy said. "Everything in this room is eatable."

"Even I'm eatable" He said. "But that is called cannibalism, my dear children and is, in fact, frowned upon in most societies."

"Yeah." I whisper as he said loudly.

"Enjoy." Willy said. "Go on, scoot, scoot."

Everyone left to there own place except me and Mr. Salt. Willy looked at Mr. Salt like he was thinking of something. I just stood there looking at the entire room.

"You know, you can go and eat." Willy said. "Don't you want to try my candy?"

"I want to, but i'm afraid if I move, this might have been all a dream." I say. "It's better than I ever imagined."

He laughed. "Here, have some chocolate." He said grabbing a long spoon and giving me chocolate. I tasted it.

"It really is the finest if the Wonka chocolate." I say. "And the room is better than I ever imagined."

"I thought about you the whole time while they were building it." He said looking out to the waterfall.

"Are some of the other rooms we talked about here?" I ask.

"Not some, all of them. But yeah, the firework room is here." He said.

"Really?" I ask.

"Of course" he said.

"I never forgot about you." I say. Then I tease. "I mean, come on, it's really hard to forget the world's best candy maker."

He laughs. "You always knew how to make me smile." I say.

"And you always knew how to make me happy." He said looking at me. He took my hands and said. "You know, i never forgot about you. Everyday when you picked up Joe i was watching. You know, not in a creepy way." I laugh.

"Daddy, look over there." I heard Veruca say.

I turned to were Veruca was standing to see a little person working.

Willy Wonka: A Story Within the Factory (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)Where stories live. Discover now