Chapter Two

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Ro wrung her hands awkwardly in front of her and smoothened her emerald green dress down as she knocked on the smooth oak door. The (in her opinion) unnecessary layers of frill, lace and puffiness had taken some time to get used to - especially the bone-iron corset she hated with a passion. Sometimes she missed the freedom of her simple maids dress, although she could never admit that to anybody. She was sure Rosilabeth would check her into the nearest asylum!

Today she was scheduled to participate in a 'Ladies Day' with her sisters Sapphira and Rosilabeth and their friend Princess Annalise. As a maid opened the door and welcomed her in Aurora felt her nerves loosen a little, although she was rather anxious for the day ahead. Her insecurities stemmed from the fact that they had different pasts, and Aurora did not feel as worthy or royal as them. Everything they did was so practised and graceful, yet she was still learning to distinguish which utensil was appropriate for which meal.

"Ah Aurora! Quick, come sit with us!" Annalise excitedly beckoned her further into the private dining hall, where the three Princesses were sat around a floral painted white marble table.

The floor was wooden and the walls a light pink, with matching daintily painted furniture around the room. Aurora swept forward as gracefully as she could, before taking the remaining navy-cushioned seat around the circular table.

"Good morning – oh, or good afternoon as I should now say." Rosilabeth giggled as she quickly glanced at the ornately carved golden clock sitting on the dresser opposite her.

"Good afternoon to you all too." Ro replied politely.

"How are your lessons going Aurora?" Sapphira asked kindly as she took a sip of tea from the dainty china teacup.

"I am starting to understand better now thank you. And how are you feeling today?" Aurora asked as three maids entered into the room with their luncheon on golden trays.

"I am well thank you; the baby is craving lobster today." She chuckled as she rubbed her pregnant belly affectionately.

Sapphira had bright green eyes and a gentle mannerism about her, which inspired calmness. Her dark blonde hair was twisted up onto her scalp and decorated with little pearls. She had married well to a powerful Lord who was an heir to one of the biggest estates in Alluvia. They already had one daughter together – the lively Gracelyn who loved horses but was too scared to ride one. Their second child was due in the early autumn, and they were hoping for a little boy.

"Oh, how I wish I was married and expecting!" Rosilabeth sighed dramatically as her soup was placed in front of her.

"Your time will come little sister. You are young and beautiful with plenty of suitors; you have no reason to worry." Sapphira reminded her, used to her theatrical thinking.

"I know but I want a Prince! A Crown Prince preferably. Becoming Queen... Oh it is my wildest dream."

Aurora did not agree with the narrow thinking of her sister. Although getting married and having children was something she wanted to do in her life, it was not her only goal.

"Are there any Princes you are considering?" Annalise asked as her napkin was placed over her dress by one of the busy maids.

"Prince Korian of Aubriemia is at the top of my list. I asked father to invite him to Aurora's ball, so hopefully sparks will fly." She sighed dreamily.

"So you would not even consider a Lord or Duke?" Aurora asked her sister.

"Nope. It has to be a Prince." Rosilabeth declared adamantly.

"Oh, thank you." Aurora smiled gratefully as she was served her meal, causing the maid to blush and look up surprised.

She did not miss the questioning glance shared between the three girls at her kindness.

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