Chapter Eight

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"Aurora that was very foolish of you to entertain that... that woman. She could have been dangerous! What if she had pulled out a knife? Do you know what that would do to me?" The Queen nearly screeched.

"I am sorry to have scared you mother, but she was harmless and just needed help! Please do not punish her for talking to me." Aurora begged.

"She won't be punished harshly." The King sighed. "However she did break the rules of society by touching a Princess without invitation."

"She did not cause any harm though did she? And what was it that she said Aurora?" Gabriel pointed out.

"She said that girls have been going missing in her village, including her daughter. Father are you aware of this?"

"Yes Aurora." The King sighed as he rested his head on the golden windowpane. "There have been reports of disappearances, but my men are already on it. You do not need to worry; they shall be found and returned to their families soon."

"Ok, well I want to help. I gave her my word before she was dragged off." Aurora insisted causing her mother to gasp in disbelief.

"That is no job for a Princess Aurora!"

"But mother please..."

"Aurora enough, must you be so difficult and upset your mother? She is completely right... You are very lucky to be a Princess and should just relax and enjoy your life. It is lovely that you have such a big heart, but you should not get involved in matters that do not concern you." Her father lightly scolded her.

Aurora sighed and bit her tongue. She hated feeling as if she did not have a voice or the means to help those suffering. However, she knew she had to respect her parent's decision, no matter how it made her feel inside.

"Of course, I am sorry to have spoken out of term." Aurora replied emotionlessly.

"You are forgiven my dear; we are just worried about you. I know you have had a difficult life, but you do come out with the most peculiar things. I wonder..." Aurora sat stiffly and nodded along to what her mother was saying, however was actually zoned out just like her brother and father.

The rest of the carriage ride was uncomfortably silent apart from a little bit of awkward small talk, so Aurora turned her attention to the outside world. Intricate patterns of ice floated weightlessly downward from the pure white sky above, each flake swirling and dancing, as an icy wind carried it towards a group of intrepid travellers, who waved at the carriage as it rolled by. Aurora wished she were as free as those icy swirls, choosing her own destination in life instead of struggling to follow predestined footsteps much larger then her own. When they finally arrived home, Aurora was relieved and hurried as quickly as she could to her quarters for a moment's peace. Of course Seymour and Dusty were inevitably following her at a safe distance, but fortunately they did not make a move to talk to her. She felt as though her emotions were bottled up inside and she needed someone to talk to, although Theo was not there meaning there was no one who could understand. Her sisters were content with living lavishly and not having to think of anyone but themselves, but Aurora had not grown up that way. Of course she loved the finery and not having to want for anything, but she could not simply shut her mind off and forget about all the other poor souls out there that were not as lucky as she had been.

"Oh! Aurora are you all right? You look unsettled!" Nijah gasped as they lightly bumped into each other.

"Oh I am so sorry Nijah! I was locked in my head..." Aurora sighed as she steadied her friend.

"It is quite alright my dear. Do you want to talk? I could do with the distraction." Nijah admitted.

"Oh I would not want to bother you..."

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