Chapter Three

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It was finally time for the ball. Aurora was feeling incredibly nervous to make her debut in society and sincerely hoped she would not embarrass herself or her family. Most of the allied nations to Alluvia had come to celebrate her return, and it would be an evening of polite smiles, courteous greetings and gift accepting. She had no idea how she was going to remember all the guests names considering three hundred invitations were sent out across Alluvia and the high seas. Although she felt almost sick with nerves, there was no way Aurora was going to cancel her ball, for the simple reason that Theo had offered to be her escort. This meant that he would accompany her into the ballroom, be her first dance partner and support her through all of the conversations she would have to have over and over regarding her disappearance and well-being. His proposition had come about after she admitted to him how terrified she was about the evening, having to talk to strangers and being the centre of attention, so he offered to be her helpmate and guide her through the evening.

Under any other circumstances his offer could have been viewed as romantic, but unfortunately for Aurora it was simply as a friend.

She was eager to capture his attention though that night, and had chosen a dress Rosilabeth guaranteed would enchant any man. It was a vivid red in colour making her porcelain skin glow, with puffed sleeves and a heart-shaped neckline that made her breasts appear more prominent. Tiny jewels were stitched into the lavish fabric meaning she sparkled whenever she moved, and the skirt fell in layers like petals of a rose. A heavy sapphire necklace decorated her neck and dipped teasingly into her cleavage, matching perfectly to the dainty silver bracelet her brother Zion had gifted her and one of the five tiaras now in her possession. The maids had fashioned her hair into tight ringlets the night before, and now all of the curls were pinned back with tiny rose clips. Aurora had never felt so grownup and desirable before.

It was arranged that Aurora's parents would walk her to the ballroom and present her before Theo accompanied her down the spiralling staircase. When they arrived at her room on the first strike of the clock signifying it was now seven, her ladies in waiting were just finishing powdering her face and applying a little lip product. Her parents 'awed' over her beauty, and her mother burst into tears and hugged her close saying she would never let her be alone again. They both looked very regal in their royal attire with stately crowns and long fur cloaks.

"Come along then darling, it is time to get you introduced to the world again. Oh you are just so beautiful, just like your sisters." The Queen sniffled as one of her maids dabbed at her eyes with an embroidered handkerchief.

"Thank you mother, I am ready as can be." Aurora replied with a small smile.

"Splendid, come along then my dears, we must not keep our guests waiting any longer." The King exclaimed with a clap of his hands.

Aurora took her mothers arm and they followed the guards to the balcony above the ballroom where she would be showcased for the first time. Nervously she twisted her signet ring with the family seal on it, which all members of the Royal family were required to wear. As the royal party ascended the purple-carpeted steps, Aurora felt as if she was going to hurl, until she noticed Theo waiting for her like an angel at the top of the stairs. She sucked in a deep breath and nearly stumbled as she wondered how one man could be so handsome. His sun-streaked hair was in its usually wild state yet decorated with an authoritative golden crown, and his face was freshly shaved looking as smooth as a new-born. Being dashing was in his nature, from the way he stood at an impressive manly height to his confident nature, significant for a King to be.

When Theo laid his eyes upon her for the first time, all he could think about was how sinful she looked in that dress. He wondered if she knew that red was the colour of desire, and was plaguing him with urges stronger then he had ever felt. Paired with her cornflower blue eyes staring up at him innocently she looked like the perfect little vixen, and Theo knew he would have to keep a strict eye on her all night. Her beauty was unmatched. It almost took his mind off the troubling news he had received earlier that day.

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