Chapter Twelve

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Once she was sure the thieves were out of view, Aurora slowly uncurled herself from her hiding place, stood in as dignified a manner as she could and then hurried along to find her mother and father. She wanted to find out what was going on with the guards. Why had they foolishly abandoned their posts?

With determined strides she marched to the conservatory (after asking a maid where her parents were located), desperate for some answers. Nothing was making sense anymore. She was soon in their presence, finding them watching over her eldest brother Cassian's children Mordecai, Vellity and Tobias (although there were of course nursemaids in the room as well). Each were presenting a talent to their grandparents, and Aurora hated to interrupt little Tobias' demonstration of his recent paintings - although they were only splodges of colour considering he was only three years old. The children each ran up to hug their youngest aunty and encouraged her to stay for Vellity's piano recital. Of course she could not refuse so quickly went and sat with her parents who were surprised to see her.

"Is everything ok dearest?" The Queen whispered as Aurora sat next to her on the golden embroidered sofa.

"Yes mother, I just wanted to talk to you and father about a situation concerning the guards." She murmured back as Vellity started playing a tinkling classical tune.

"Is everything okay sweetheart?" Her father asked as he lent across his queen.

"She wants to ask something about the guards my love." The Queen murmured as she smiled encouragingly to Vellity and Tobias climbed all over his big brother Mordecai.

"What about them? Did something happen?" The King asked rather loudly.

"Well... I do not want to cause a fuss, but I was walking past the treasury earlier and I could not help but notice that the guards were not in their positions." Aurora whispered hastily as she noticed Vellity frowning - obviously not appreciating the fact that they were not focusing on her.

"Oh I am sure it is nothing to worry about Aurora. They were probably between shifts or just on their way. I will speak to Captain Calthorpe of the Royal Guard about it though if you are worried." The King suggested.

"Thank you father I think that would be wise. You can never be too careful with security. You never truly know anyone." Aurora warned, confusing her parents.

"What do you mean darling?" The Queen asked, but then Vellity finished her piece so everyone clapped accordingly as she curtsied then ran to sit on her grandma's lap, making her grandparents forget Aurora's earlier concerning behaviour.

"That was splendid young Vellity! You shall be playing in the opera houses in no time." Her grandfather praised.

"That was certainly amazing Vellity, well done." Aurora commended her.

"Thank you grandpa and aunty Aura." Vellity answered shyly.

"What were you saying again Aurora?" The Queen asked as she fussed her granddaughter.

"Oh I was just wondering if any new guards have been appointed recently." She shrugged nonchalantly as little Tobias wobbled over to give her one of his wooden toy cars.

"Not that I am aware of dear. Why are you asking?" Her father questioned.

"Oh no reason, I just thought I saw a couple of new faces around the castle recently." Aurora smiled innocently, but her heartbeat was thumping in her chest.

She hated lying to her parents, but she thought it was a necessity at the time.

"Oh ok, well there have been none to my knowledge! Perhaps it was a few trainees gaining experience, and I am sure there are guards that have worked here for years that you have yet to meet, considering there are around three hundred of them! And that is just for the castle." The King revealed.

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