Chapter Sixteen

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Aurora had been stood outside of Rosilabeth's room for five minutes, deliberating over going in. Surprisingly she had missed out on dinner, claiming to be sick. Aurora wondered whether she should leave her to rest or whether Rosilabeth was just pretending to be unwell. It would not be the first time. As she wondered whether Korian was inside, manipulating her sister's blind love for him, she decided she had to talk to her sister now, and at the least make sure she was ok. Summoning her courage and taking a deep breath, Aurora knocked firmly on the door.

She almost knocked again after it remained deadly silent for moment, but finally Rosilabeth opened the door. She was in her long white nightgown with bare feet, and her hair tumbled down to her waist looking to be strangely knotty. Aurora wondered whether her sister was actually sick, as she had dark shadows under her eyes and her skin was paler then usual.

"Oh... Aurora. Are you ok?" Rosilabeth asked quietly.

"Yes I am fine... are you?" Aurora replied, feeling genuinely concerned.

"Oh I shall be. I just have a headache and I did not sleep well." She revealed with a tight-lipped smile.

"Oh I see, is there anything I can do for you?"

"Actually... I wonder if you would help me clean something up. I have dismissed all of my maids, and accidentally dropped the bowl of soup my lady-in-waiting Dinah brought me earlier." Rosilabeth revealed with an embarrassed flush.

"Of course, we shall sort it out now." Aurora said with a kind smile.

"Thank you." Rosilabeth uttered gratefully as she led her sister into her room.

Her temporary bedroom was the same impersonal room as Aurora's, with a large four-poster bed, ornately crafted wooden closet and fine oil paintings from master painters hanging on the walls. Rosilabeth's room had a peach theme, from the walls to the silky sheets. Aurora was surprised to find the bowl of soup splattered all over the wall and wooden floor. This was no accident - it was thrown.

"Do not worry we will get this cleared up in no time." Aurora promised as her sister collapsed into the half-bowl shaped chair draped with the finest fur and buried her head in her hands.

"Why are you really here Aurora?" Rosilabeth asked after a moment or two whilst her sister slaved away at the walls, wiping them down with a towel.

"Well I wanted to tell you something, but I feel like now is not the best time." Aurora murmured, sensing her sister was frazzled by something.

"I am perfectly fine. Go ahead, say it." Rosilabeth encouraged.

"Are you sure? I do not want to upset you further..."

"Please just tell me Aurora, it will help to take my mind off of... Something I am dealing with." Rosilabeth revealed cryptically.

"Ok if you insist." Aurora sighed as she stood and moved to sit across from her sister.

"Rosilabeth what I am about to tell you will be hard to hear, but please just listen and try not to get too upset. It is about Korian..." Rosilabeth flinched at the name.

"Go on..." She prompted slowly.

"I am sorry but he has been lying to you. I believe he is using you and does not really care for you." Aurora revealed with a heavy heart, continuing when Rosilabeth only looked at her blankly.

Aurora told her sister all that had happened including the treasure, guards, and numerous ways he had been deceitful. Surprisingly Rosilabeth sat silently and listened as Aurora poured her heart out, looking numb. When Aurora finished Rosilabeth sat there with glassy eyes, unmoving and speechless. Aurora prepared to be shouted at or cast out of her room, but instead Rosilabeth burst into tears.

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