Chapter Four

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After eight back-to-back dances with power-hungry and sometimes handsy men of the nobility and an ever-growing line of partners, Aurora had finally managed to slip away under the pretence of needing the lavatory. She actually wanted to find Theo who had disappeared from the room after a dance with a beautiful woman in a purple frock. Luckily the lady in question was currently talking with three other rich Lord's daughters, so Aurora did not have to worry that he had fallen for her at first sight and they were off frolicking around together. As Aurora made her way off the dance floor looking around in an attempt to find Theo, she noticed a number of guards eyeing her position.

She also noticed something very strange. As she surveyed the dancing guests, people hovering around the buffet tables and small groups of hushed whispers, Aurora noticed her sister Rosilabeth sneaking out of the ball with Prince Korian, their hands entwined intimately. Aurora felt a little uneasy noticing them going off alone together in the shadows, and wondered where they were heading when someone called her name.

"Good evening Aurora, you look splendid!" Annalise complimented her.

"Oh Annalise, hello! You look stunning." Ro gasped as she took in her gown the colour of sunshine and ringlet hair decorated with two extravagant feathers.

"Thank you Aurora dear, so do you! This is an amazing ball and you are doing so well!" Annalise stressed in an upbeat attitude although Aurora could detect sadness in her eyes. "Theo and I have really enjoyed our time with you."

"Thank you Ana, however the staff did all of the hard work. Also are you ok? You look... sad."

Annalise sighed and her smile dropped a little just as a couple of ladies each wearing a cloud of perfume surrounded Aurora, offering her perfectly formed smiles and expressing their happiness that she had been saved. Once Aurora bid them all goodbye, she looked questionably towards Annalise who had a downcast, small smile.

"I take it Theo has not told you yet."

"What do you mean? What is wrong?" Ro asked feeling confused with panic fluttering in her stomach.

What if Theo was engaged to be wed? Or was already married in a secret ceremony?

"You need to speak to Theo. He went out into the gardens earlier; I think he is still out there." Ana mentioned.

"Ok thank you Ana, I will find him now and see you later." Ro rushed out before turning and making her way as quickly yet elegantly as she could to the gardens.

Annalise followed Aurora's movements with sadness in her eyes, knowing her heart was about to be broken.


As soon as she reached the white doors leading outside Aurora instructed the guards not to let anyone else through, as because she was the lady of the ball there were many people with their eye on her and walking closer in an effort to win her favour. She shivered as she stepped outside, the snow reaching her ankles and crinkling under her feet. A chilly gust swept through the courtyard as Aurora ventured out further, the music hushed behind her. She was in the courtyard of sculptures, each impressive bust covered in a fine layer of snow. She sighed in relief as she spotted Theo's silhouette standing by a great-hunkered oak tree at the edge of the garden, and hurried towards him eager to return into the warm as soon as possible.

"Theo!" She called out taking him by surprise.

"Aurora? What are you doing out here? It is freezing!" He exclaimed as he strode towards her, quick to take off his cloak and wrap it around her shaking figure.

"I am not going in without you." She declared stubbornly. "Please Theo I know something is wrong - just tell me. What are you doing out here?"

"I was just trying to find peace. It is rather hot inside." Theo stated, turning to look at the large full moon glowing an ethereal white against a backdrop of black and firefly stars.

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