Chapter Twenty-One

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Theo and Aurora tiptoed across the deck to the wooden door, which would lead them inside. They managed to sneak covertly past the guards who were more concerned with preparing a new lifeboat and for the inevitable Alluvian attack to notice them. Once they had slipped in Aurora pushed her dripping hair out of her face and tried to squeeze some water out of her heavy gown. She was a little embarrassed to look like such a wreck in front of Theo, but he looked at her with the same love and adoration as ever, so she did not feel too worried. Anyway, she had to focus most of her effort on keeping her eyes on his face, considering his white shirt was now see-through and highlighting his toned stomach. She did not want to be caught looking, but her eyes seemed to naturally gravitate downwards.

They wandered hand in hand down the dark corridor towards where they could hear the girls screaming and crying. It broke Aurora's heart and unsettled them both. As they kept to the shadows and crawled along at a snails pace, the room opposite to them caught Aurora's attention.

"Look! There is a kitchen!" She whispered to Theo. "We should see if there is anything in there we can use to knock them out! We should not cause fatalities." She insisted with a pointed look at Theo's sword clutched in his hand.

"Ok Aurora, but if the situation turns south I may not have a choice." Theo warned.

"Ok... but only as a last result." Aurora sighed as they crept into the kitchen.

As quietly as possible they fished around in the cupboards, taking a saucepan each and a chopping board. Just as Aurora adjusted the heavy metal pan in her hands, Theo accidentally walked back into her, causing her to jump and drop the pan, which landed with a harsh metal clang. They both froze at the intrusion of noise, cold dread filling Aurora as careful footsteps echoed through the outside hallway. She turned to Theo in a flustered panic who motioned for her to be quiet and instructed her to hide behind the kitchen island. She did so as swiftly as possible, crouching down with her heartbeat thumping in her ears. Her palms were sweaty and itched to reach out for another saucepan so that she had a means of protecting herself.

She could not see Theo, but she was sure that he would safeguard her. Her senses were on high alert as the wooden floorboard on the entrance to the kitchen creaked, and she heard a gruff murmur of unknown voices. Sitting painfully quiet, she tried to keep calm, but the eerie atmosphere was unnerving her. Her body jolted as two harsh thwacks resonated in the air, and then Theo called out to her.

"It is ok now Aurora... we better get a move on before anymore start coming." Theo whispered as he strode around to her and knelt beside her.

Aurora nodded and gulped, picking up her saucepan on the way and tried not to look at the bodies on the floor. She gingerly stepped over one with Theo's help before he stopped and she bumped into his back.

"What is wrong?" She asked nervously.

"Aurora... I do not know what is going to happen. Please stay here and hide where I know you are safe, and if something happens to me, your parents should be here soon. I need to take Korian down and stop this ship." Theo pleaded as he darted his eyes around looking for any more guards.

"No Theo, please I want to help... they are my people, and I understand your concern but I can protect myself." Aurora determined.

"Fine... just stay behind me." Theo relented, knowing the icy fire in her eyes would not be easily put out, and they were running on borrowed time.

Aurora nodded before they set off down the darkened corridor. She could hear the feint beat of a drum below decks (for the rowers) which hopefully would soon cease. Above that noise, whimpering and crying could be heard, which the heroic duo followed. Korian's angry voice soon boomed into the atmosphere as they arrived outside the room where the girls were being kept with no doubt numerous guards.

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