Chapter Eleven

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Aurora was beyond angry at Korian for messing her and Rosilabeth around. Because of his dishonest ways, he had caused Aurora to have her first familial upset, which she was certainly down about. She was determined to find him and tell him off for his deceitful actions. She also wanted to find out whether he actually had feelings for Rosilabeth or not. Perhaps he had had a change of heart and realised Rosilabeth was the one for him, and regretted all interaction he had with Aurora. One could only hope that her sister's feelings could be spared any more agony.

However, Aurora could not find him anywhere! She had checked his chambers, the dining room, the gardens and the great hall, but he was nowhere to be found! It was most frustrating.

"Oh Mr Enoch! Excuse me sir, sorry to interrupt you but I was wondering if you would knew where Prince Korian of Aubriemia is?" Aurora asked her father's butler as he passed by her.

"Good afternoon your highness, it is not a problem. Actually I did see him around a quarter of an hour ago, being escorted by a couple of guards towards the east wing of the Palace - you know, in the direction of the treasury your highness." He explained in his wise old voice.

Aurora automatically found that suspicious, but thanked Mr Enoch for his help and wandered off in that direction to find him. As she made her way through the maze of a castle she decided to plan her speech for Korian, making sure it was well executed and powerful. Deep down she hoped that all the confusion, secrecy and heartache could be swept aside and Rosilabeth and he could get their happily ever after. She was not going to let him off easily though, as he had not been acting like a gentleman by visiting Rosilabeth privately and not making his intentions clear with their father.

As Aurora made her way to the treasury, which was underground near the throne room, she noticed something very peculiar. Obviously it was usually a very highly secure area of the castle, but many of the guard's posts were empty! Aurora shrugged off the uneasy feeling in her stomach and carried on walking, although her steps were a little unsure. A sense of panic grew inside her as one after the other, each pillar where a guard was supposed to valiantly keep watch was... empty. Aurora kept close to the berry-red carpeted walls, which were in the same pattern as the floors, as she tiptoed along. She only had to turn one more corner and then the treasury would be in view. She had only seen it once but the splendour of it all had blown her mind. There were treasures beyond comprehension and priceless jewels as large as her head. Even the doors were worth a King's ransom, spanning an entire wall and made out of the finest gold.

Footsteps, sniggers and clangs of metal were echoing from around the corner, which both relieved and scared Aurora. Keeping close to the wall, she peered around to the treasury, wondering what on earth was happening. Surprisingly one of the doors was gaping wide open, and there were around four different voices murmuring from inside. Aurora quickly darted back around the corner when she saw two shifty looking guards standing outside the hall of treasures keeping watch, but luckily they did not see her as they were hurrying the intruders inside along. Aurora heard another male exit from the treasury, exclaiming how 'easy' it was which made her frown.

They were being robbed! But by who? Surely it could not be...

Aurora heard another muffled voice telling everyone to hurry up before dull, carpeted footsteps reached her ears. Realising she was close to being caught Aurora hitched up her daffodil skirts and raced along the corridor until she had no choice but to squeeze into the next available gap in the wall. She was very thankful that the designer of the palace had added in decorative pillars which casted shadows in between them. Sinking to the floor Aurora made herself as small as possible and tucked in her skirts underneath her and tight to her body. With any luck, she would be hidden from the thieves.

She had only just hidden in time, as just as she tucked herself into the wall the footsteps and hushed whisperings became closer, turning around the corner. Aurora's heartbeat thundered in her chest as she waited in excruciating torment wondering if she was going to be found. Who knew what they would do to her? She held her breath as they passed, although she did peek her head out to see if she could recognise any of the villains.

Sure enough, Prince Korian was in the middle of the group, examining a bar of gold looking mightily pleased with himself, along with the slimy Sychelles and four Alluvian guards. Aurora was at a loss of what to think. Were they betrayers? Fake guards? Aurora did not know - she did not recognise any of them but she had not gotten a good look at their faces. Each guard had a grey sackcloth filled with probable jewels, goblets and gold flung over their backs.

How could they? Aurora had never felt so angry in her life! This was much worse then Evangeline's betrayal all that time ago! Aurora wanted to confront them, but she was only a young lady and they were six strong men! She felt useless as they passed her and sighed audibly, feeling at a crossroads on what to do.

But suddenly Korian froze in his tracks causing Aurora's eyes to open comically wide. Had he heard her? She felt a cold sweat form on her body as Korian's associates asked what was wrong. Was she about to be found? Right at that moment an all-consuming itch started on her shoulder making her fingers twitch with need to satisfy it, but she remained still, not even daring to breathe.

"I thought I heard something... Never mind, onwards men." Korian instructed as he put the shiny bar of gold in his pocket making Aurora sag in relief.

Thankfully he had not noticed her and carried on walking, however the situation was still dire. What on earth was she supposed to do now, and how could Korian act in such a deceitful way, when he was a guest in Alluvia? He was threatening to break the very peace between their countries! Something untoward was happening here, and Aurora was not going to sit back and let the men deal with it.

It was no secret that they were all about power and honour, and often let their pride get in the way of truth. If she told her father and brothers about this, they could act brashly and it would cause a war! She was going to investigate whilst she still had the upper hand, and hopefully solve the situation before it spiralled into mayhem.

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