Bonus Chapter

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Eight Years Later...

The past eight years of Aurora's life had been wonderful. She had been blessed with a loving husband of exactly six years and three children as a product of their love. As Queen of Yemini, she had been able to make long-standing changes, improving the lives of the poor and providing free education for children from families who could not afford a tutor. Together, Theodosius and Aurora had made Yemini a fairer and happier place to live in. She loved her job as a Queen and mummy.

They welcomed twins five years ago, Prince Maxim Theodosius Edward Donovan and Princess Magdalena Petal Angelina Genevieve. It was quite a shock when Aurora was giving birth and the doctors realised she was in fact carrying two babies, a rare phenomenon, which explained why she had grown so massive compared to Annalise who was also pregnant at the time. Maxim and Magdalena were the best of friends and did everything together, and although they were the heirs to one of the most powerful countries in the world, Aurora was determined to give them a normal, happy childhood and made sure that they mixed with children from all sorts of social standings. She did not want them growing up as entitled brats who only cared about themselves.

When the twins were three years, old Aurora discovered she was pregnant again, luckily with a singular child this time whom they named Princess Ellora Juliette Isadora Alexandria who was now two years old. She was a very sweet little girl and the spitting image of her mummy whereas the twins were very similar to their father with intelligent hazel eyes and dark blonde hair. Aurora was determined to only use a nanny when she was out on Royal Visits, so for most of the time she was with her children, as she wanted to be the primary person in their lives. Theo made sure to spend as much time as possible with his family too, although it was harder for him considering he always had a full diary as King of Yemini.

"Mummy hurts." Ellora complained as Aurora combed through her soft golden hair.

"Sorry my darling, it is all tangled because you were running around outside with your cousins." Aurora hummed as her youngest fidgeted.

Suddenly a stampede of little feet and playful yelling echoed down the corridor, preparing Aurora for the onslaught of little ones.

"Mummy, mummy I am the fastest!" Magdalena rushed out as she sprinted to her mother's side.

"That is not fair! She pushed me!" Maxim grumbled with a pout on his baby face, only three seconds behind his younger-sister-by-twelve-seconds.

It was scary how similar he was to his father. He was his spitting image, and often reminded Aurora of the little Theo who always protected and played with her when she was small.

"Now, now children, calm down. You are both very fast runners. Now where are your cousins?"

"They are slow pokes." Magdalena beamed proudly with a giggle.

She was very adventurous and outgoing, and was determined to do everything that her older cousins could.

"Well it is nearly time for bed now, so let us calm down, and we need to comb your hair Maggie." Aurora grimaced, knowing how much her daughter HATED having her hair brushed.

Her father was the only one she would not cause a fuss for.

"No! Mummy please!" She exclaimed, looking aghast.

"Come here darling, Ellora was a very good girl and sat nice and still for mummy."

"No I will not!" She shouted before turning and darting back out of the common room.

"Magdalena! Come back here at once!" Aurora called out, but of course, the stubborn little mite pretended to be deaf and continued sprinting away.

The situation turned out to be very funny to Ellora, who burst out laughing at her naughty big sister whilst Maxim cooed over her. He loved babies and little children.

"Magdalena!" Aurora shouted, when suddenly she heard an 'oof', and her husband's voice, filling her with relief.

"Daddy!" Maggie exclaimed joyfully and no doubt scurried into his arms.

"Daddy's home!" Maxim called out excitedly before sprinting in their direction.

There was no doubt about it, their favourite parent was Theo.

"Hello my little munchkins, are you being good for your mummy?" Theo asked to which they replied without hesitation with a 'yes'.

Theo strode into the room with a child in each arm and a handsome smile on his face. He still managed to make Aurora's heart flutter and bring a shy smile upon her lips after three children and six years of marriage.

"Hello my love, you are looking as beautiful as ever." Theo complimented his Queen as he leant down to give her a chaste kiss upon the forehead, causing their two eldest to snigger.

He was always very sweet and complimentary of her, even though she had not managed to shift all of the baby weight and had dark lines under her eyes from all the late nights and early mornings with the children.

"Hello darling, how was parliament?" Aurora asked.

"Boring as always, I would much rather be at home with all of you!" Theo exclaimed as he dropped onto the love seat next to her.

"Well, since you are home in time, you can help me put the children to bed... Maggie needs her hair brushed." Aurora revealed.

"Of course my love. Right come along you two..."

An hour later, the children had all been snuggled into their respective rooms, Ellora in the nursery next to her parent's room, and the twins down the hall in their shared room. Aurora looked forward to the time of day when the children were all asleep, as she finally had a moment to relax and breathe. They looked so angelic as they slept.

"Thank you Aurora." Theo hummed behind her with his chin resting on top of her head, as they watched Maggie and Maxim pretending to be asleep and whispering to each other across the dark room.

"For what?" She whispered back.

"For being wonderful, and giving me these beautiful children." He replied with a kiss to her head.

"You say that every night, but you know none of this would be possible without you Theo. I love you with all my heart." She giggled with a shake of her head.

"It is the truth, and I love you too, more then you will ever know."

"Mummy?" Maxim suddenly called out.

"Whoops, we better go." Theo chuckled.

"Go to sleep now darlings! Mummy and daddy are going to bed too." Aurora called out as they shuffled back out of the room.

"No wait! We want to hear the story again." Maggie called out as she sat upright in bed, her hair sadly wild again. It was a hairbrushes worst enemy.

"Again?" Aurora sighed with a playful roll of her eyes as Theo chuckled behind her.

"Yeah!" Maxim exclaimed.

"Yes, we want to hear it again... The Tale of a Princess Kidnapped by Pirates, and her Journey to Love."

This is it!! Thank you for reading, voting and commenting loves! Please check out my other stories, and I'll see you soon for Rosilabeth's story! Xoxo


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