Chapter 6

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Shana's POV 

 Work was crazy last night. I was working at a wedding event as a waitress. As expected, I spilled one of the main dishes and got nagged at by my manager. It's annoying having to deal with that, and furthermore, in 3 hours I have to be at work in McDonald's and I feel so exhausted.

I peeled my grainy eyes open and looked out the window as the brightness helps to wake me up. I didn't have a good sleep last night and I feel like a zombie. As my mind wondered, Aiden crossed my mind. He must have been waiting for me. Ugh, that's so many things rushing through my mind when I just woke up. I sluggishly reached 

out for the pen and wrote on my forearm.

 'Good morning, birthday boy! Here's my address: 188 Bassett Road Remuera Auckland, New Zealand I hope you're enjoying your birthday party'

Immediately after writing that, I fell asleep again. 

Ring Ring

 I was awakened again by the alarm. The time showed that I had about half an hour before work starts. My eyes widened and I jumped out from bed.


I might be late and I really can't afford to be late as my boss has zero tolerance for late comers. I got ready within a few minutes and rushed to work. I did my usual's when I reached and thankfully, I was on time. I noticed some of my colleagues were looking at me funnily. What? Do I have drool on my face? Is my hair funny? Am I wearing my uniform wrong? I didn't have time to 

shower so that's most likely it.

 "You got a boyfriend?" Sally asked. 

I looked at her confused. What did she mean by that? She looked at my arm and continued.

 "You look tired, Shana. It seems that you had mistaken your arm for a paper and my dear, you have some crusts in your eyes. You should wipe them off. " she whispered while handing me a 

piece of napkin.

 Oh my god, how embarrassing. I rushed to the washroom to get rid of the crust. Then, the full comment Sally made got processed in my head. I quickly glanced at my forearm. What? The message I wrote to Aiden. It's still there. Why has it not gone through? I was feeling rather uneasy. I continued working but I wasn't doing a very good job as I was tired and uneasy.

When my shift ended, I rushed home and showered to make myself refreshed. Then, I tried again. And again. And again. My forearm turned red from too much irritation, so I decided to 

stop for now and maybe wait for later.

A tear fell from my eyes and I was afraid that I may lose contact with the love of my life. Why, why is this happening? Why can't the message go through? The only reason why I could survive this long is because of his company. I can't. I simply just cannot afford to lose contact with him! I started to freak out.

I looked at my reflection and mumbled,

"Calm down. There may be an explanation for this and I know it. Calm down."

I went to the bookshelf filled with Lycan books and studied all night. Not going to lie, it was tiring as fuck but I really wanted to know what the hell was happening. So far, I have read 8 books and got nothing more than I already know. I have 7 more books to go but I could barely keep my eyes open. Good thing that I have no work tomorrow. I dragged myself to bed and passed out instantly. ---------------------------------------------- 

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