The Chirping

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     Rantaro walked around the beach aimlessly, waiting for someone or something to catch his eye. After walking around for what seemed like hours with absolutely no one and nothing around, he sat on the shoreline, legs in the water. He relaxed at the sound of the ocean, and feeling of the water around his lower half.
     A little while later Rantaro heard 3 chirps, each very short and a bit low in pitch. He assumed it was just an animal or something and kept watching the ocean. He heard the chirps again. Again. Again. "Okay, what the hell is that?." He asked himself, it didn't sound like anything he's heard before. He got up and slowly walked closer to the area he heard the noise. More chirps. "Is someone here?" He asked. More chirps. He kept looking for the source of the noise. About 20 minutes of searching, along with dozens of rounds of chirps, he saw something.
     A head with everything below the nose submerged in the water. "Hey! Are you okay!?" He yelled running toward the head. It sunk down into the water and Rantaro stopped running. "Do you need help out the water?" He walked closer to where he saw the head. He saw the head peek up again, a bit further than before. Rantaro sprinted toward it. It sunk once again. This kept going on until Rantaro finally grabbed the head by it's hair. It yelped out in pain as Rantaro pulled it toward him. The entire head emerged along with it's chest. It was a man with very long dark greenish hair, and bright yellow eyes. He started freaking out and pulled away from Rantaro. He gave a chirp before he quickly swam away.

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