New Friends

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     "Shit... Kiyo, I forgot something.." Rantaro sits up fast. "I'll be right back don't leave ok?" He nodded at the merman, who nodded back. Rantaro quickly ran off to do what he needed.

     Kiyo swam around thinking of the boy who just left. He awaited his arrival, until he heard someone call to him.
     "Hey. Korekiyo! Long time no see! Wanna come inside?" Korekiyo turned seeing a small heterochromic eyed merman, named Kokichi, inside a large cave.
     "Oh, hmm. Of course! It has been quite a while!" He swam to the entrance of the cave and slowly crawled inside.
     "So, what have you been up to? Meet anyone new?" He asked.
     "Well, I have actually.." Kiyo giggled as he thought of Rantaro. "What about you?" He ask politely.
     "I've been great! I've actually meet someone too! He's so cute~" Kokichi giggled.
     "Kehehe, that's nice... but he certainly can't be cuter than who I've met.." he argued jokingly.
     "Oh really? Well guess what? Not only is he cute, but he's super kind aswell! He has really long and pretty eyelashes too!" Kokichi argued back, pouting. Kiyo smirked at his reaction under the shell on my face.
      "Well mine is also very nice! And he has the most lovely green hair you've ever seen!" Kiyo swooned. Pupils growing large.
     "Ew! Seaweed hair? Gross! Mine, or should I say, Shu-Shu has beautiful dark blue hair! Just like the deepest yet prettiest parts of the ocean!" Kokichi exclaimed, trailing off about 'Shu-Shu'. Korekiyo got visibly annoyed at Kokichi calling Rantaro's hair seaweed.
     "NOT SEAWEED GREEN!!" Kiyo yelped, "His, or if we are giving names, Taro's hair is like the grass on land in the lovely spring! And eyes the same colour as emeralds!" Kiyo said lovingly.
     "Well Shu-Shu's eyes are like beautiful Amber jewels! If you saw him, you'd surely be all over him as well!" He argued back. 
     "I'm sure if you met Taro you'd be all over him too!" Kiyo squeaked, "Taro is just too perfect for anyone to not be!" He crossed his arms. Kokichi shook his head quickly.
     "No! Shu-Shu has such pretty porcelain skin! It's so soft! I bet this Taro guy doesn't have as pretty skin as he does!" He responded with a hmph. 
     "Wrong! Taro has some of the softest and prettiest skin I've ever seen! When he put his hands on my shoulders it felt like clouds.!.." Kiyo trailed off, fantasizing about Rantaro.
     "Ni-shishi! You dare challenge me? I guess we should settle this with a fight, then!" He said playfully, getting ready to splash Korekiyo. Kiyo furrowed his eyebrows.
     "Kehehe, oh you're on!" Kiyo playfully yelled back.

     Rantaro sped walked back to the beach, until he heard a deep voice call his name. He turned and saw his clasmates Kaito, Shuichi, Kaede, and Maki. Rantaro stopped walking, and waved "Oh! Hey guys!"
     "Wanna come to the beach with us, Rantaro?" Shuichi asked kindly. 
     "Actually I was just headed that way! But definitely!" Rantaro smiled and put his hands in the pockets of his shorts.
     "Sweet! Let's go!" Kaito exclaimed happily, running ahead of everyone. Rantaro trails next to Shuichi, not wanting to rush now that he's in a group.
     "Hey uh Shuichi?"
     "Yeah?" He replied Rantaro gestured him closer
     "I gotta tell you something when we get to the beach, got it? It's a secret." Rantaro told him.
     "Alright." Shuichi nodded before looking back up ahead of him. They all soon got the the beach Rantaro grabbed Shuichi's arm and ran to the safety and rule signs.
     "So, what is it?" Shuichi asked curiously. 
     "Ok! I met someone the other day, right over there," he pointed a bit far into the water, "his name is Kiyo and uhh.."
     "What about him?" Shuichi tilted his head, clearly confused as to why this particularly new person he has never heard of before was so suddenly important. 
     "You sure you won't tell, ANYONE?" Rantaro looked around, "ehh I guess I know you won't.. he's a mermaid?.. merman?.. is that the right word? Ugh,, anyway I wanted to tell because I knew you wouldn't tell anyone else and, I just needed to tell someone.. y'know?"

Shuichi's eyes widened, "You've met one too?" He asked him in surprise. 
     "What do you mean?" Rantaro tilted his head.
     "I've met a mermaid, too." He told Rantaro, "His name is Kokichi, and believe it or not, I'm supposed to be meeting up with him today." 
     "Really? I was actually getting back to Kiyo when you guys called to me.. I should probably go see if he's here actually, you're welcome to come if you want!" Rantaro patted Shuichi's shoulder and started walking off. 
     "Of course. I'd love to." Shuichi smiled while walking beside him, a bit excited to see another mermaid. They walked to where Rantaro left Kiyo but he wasn't there.
     "wha-? Kiyo!?" Rantaro shouted, without the others hearing him. 
     "Maybe he's somewhere else? Follow me." He stated as he walked off towards a cave. Rantaro followed closely behind Shuichi, wondering where Kiyo went. They entered a cave and saw Kokichi and Kiyo splashing around playfully. Kiyo spotted Rantaro and pushed Kokichi off. He lifted himself and went over to Rantaro, clinging onto his leg
     "T-Taro! Taro!" He chirped happily. 
     "Shu-Shu!!!" Kokichi exclaimed happily as he chirped rather loudly.
     "Woah! Hey Kiyo hehehe" Rantaro bent down and pat Korekiyo's head. "So I'm assuming that's Kokichi?" He gestured the the merman who chirped at Shuichi.
     "Yep!" He said simply as he got down to Kokichi's level. The mermaid immediately pounced on him out of joy and chirped more. 
Rantaro chuckled,
     "well this is Kiyo! He's a little clingy huh?" He said patting Kiyo's head, he looked down and held his leg tighter.
     "Yeah… guess so," Shuichi replied smiling. Kiyo chirped and started to tug at Rantaro's arm. Rantaro grabbed Kiyo under the arms and lifted him a bit. Kokichi saw this and looked up at Shuichi with pleading eyes. Shuichi looked back and sighed,
     "No, Kokichi," he said simply as he shook his head. This resulted in a rather loud whining sound from the mermaid. Tears gathered up in his eyes and threatened to spill if Shuichi didn't pick him up sooner or later. Shuichi soon gave in with a small,
     "Sorry!" Before picking the mermaid up bridal style. Kokichi then suddenly stopped crying as if nothing happened and made happy chirps as if he were laughing. Kiyo watched the scene unfold and started grabbing at Rantaro's shoulders and pulling himself up. Rantaro nearly lost balance as he took Kiyo and carried him higher than before. Kokichi noticed this and furrowed his eyebrows in defeat as he crossed his arms rather moodily,
     "What's wrong, Kokichi?" Shuichi asked curiously before realizing what he was so upset about, "Are you… jealous of them?" He asked. Kokichi, unfortunately didn't understand what he had said as he gave him a curious look. Shuichi sighed as he answered his own question with a yes and rolled his eyes. 
Rantaro chuckled,
     "You trying to make him jealous, Kiyo?" the mermans response was a chirp and a triumphant look on his face. "I guess so-" Kiyo pushed himself a bit to get comfortable.  Shuichi giggled a bit as he sat down with Kokichi still in his arms. Kokichi looked up at Korekiyo and squawked in an annoyed manner. This resulted in Shuichi wincing due to the loudness of it hurting his ears,
     "Could you try to be a bit more quiet there, Kichi?" He asked, giving a nervous smile. 
     "Yeah, I noticed a few others here before. I'm not sure if they're still here or not, plus Maki, Kaito, and Kaede.." Rantaro placed Kiyo on the sand and sat next to him, Kiyo's long arm wrapped around his shoulders. Shuichi did the same which resulted in another squawk. He then looked over at Korekiyo and pinched his arm before turning away and pouting, "Sheesh… mermaids are more human than I thought," Shuichi thought out loud. Korekiyo pulled his arm away and gave an annoyed chirp. Rantaro giggled and pat Kiyo on the head, making Kiyo smile under the shell covering his face.
     "Kokichi," Shuichi said in a stern voice, "That wasn't very nice," he frowned. Kokichi knew by his tone of voice that Shuichi was upset with him. Kokichi pouted more, not bothering to look at Shuichi. Korekiyo felt a bit bad, so he dragged himself over to Kokichi and Shuichi, and gave Kokichi a pat on the head, along with an apologetic chirp. Kokichi didn't look back at him, but instead flipped his hair annoyed and moodily as he tilted his head up. Shuichi laughed at the two,
     "C'mon, Kokichi," he sighed. Kiyo wouldn't quit chirping at Kokichi until he turned to face him.
     "Kiyo, you started it." Rantaro laughed,
     "sorr… s-sor,,ry.. sory.." Kiyo stuttered while giving puppy eyes. Rantaro giggled again. Kokichi turned around, wide-eyed before trying his best to reply with,
      "I… I...t…It.. o- o...o...k…" Shuichi smiled and patted Kokichi on the head. 
     "Glad that happened, They're getting the hang of sounding out words huh?" Rantaro stumbled closer to Korekiyo, Kokichi, and Shuichi. "Uhm.. what happens now?" 
     "I dunno. I guess we should just see how this plays out," Shuichi replied as the two started chirping happily. 
They continued speaking to eachother, Rantaro and Shuichi continued to not understand, so they just spoke to one another.
They, stayed with eachother, occasionally having Shuichi and Rantaro go out to check up on Kaede, Kaito, and Maki. They all, went their separate ways at the rnd of the day. Kiyo and Kokichi swam back into the water.

A/N Hey guys! For this chapter I worked together with Smol_Veemo if you want a different point of view you should read her story, Purple Scales!!

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