Visiting Kiyo

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     Rantaro woke up the next day, he grumbled and stretched in his bed. He looked over at his desk, his laptop was open to over 10,000 image results of mermaids. "Mer..? Oh! K-Kiyo!" Rantaro sprang up. "Kiyo.. I'm meeting him after school. Yeah, that's right!" Rantaro ran to the shower to get ready for school.
     Rantaro waited patiently to get dismissed from his last period. His teacher was babbling as he heard the bell ring. The whole class sprung up and left the room, "Have a good afternoon everyone!" The teacher yelped as the students filed out the door to their lockers. Rantaro reached his locker and started packing his homework. 'Alright! Time to see Kiyo!' He thought to himself.
     Rantaro went straight to the beach once he left the school. He sprinted to make sure no one found Kiyo before he got there. As he entered the beach there were two people. Upperclassmen, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu and Kazuichi Souda. They were on the far side of the beach, so he didn't think anything of them. He ran behind 3 posts holding up a few signs for beach rules, and littering awareness, up near the beach entrance. He put down his bag, and hoodie, rolled up his jeans and made his way to the water. He heard a few quiet chirps, as if Kiyo knew there were others here. He probably did, since he lived here.
      Kiyo popped his head out of the water, a bit further from Rantaro. He waved over at him, Kiyo waved back. Rantaro jogged over to the merman. "Hey Kiyo," Rantaro said. "I told you I'd come back! How are you?" He asked. Kiyo lifted himself to his stomach, letting Rantaro get a view of where it forms into a tail. Kiyo nodded and chirped happily. The two boys went along the shore to somewhere a bit more secluded, so the others wouldn't see them.
     Rantaro looked closely at Kiyo, he saw that his arms faded to a deep green, just like the tone leading to his tail. His ears were turned into a fin shape, and there was a, green, scale like texture leading down the side of his face. There was a fabric band with a weird symbol on his wrist, connected to a chain, along with several chains around his waist. The shell on his face was connected with seaweed.
     Kiyo noticed Rantaro staring and chirped, grabbing his attention. "Sorry!" Rantaro lifted his hands "didn't mean ta' stare..." he apologized quickly. Kiyo nodded and chirped, " o-ok" Kiyo stuttered out. Rantaro smiled.

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