Teach me how to be human.

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     Rantaro heard Kiyo chirping, they seemed painful. The chirping eventually stopped and was replaced with rapid breathing and gasps. "WHERE!? WHERE DID.. WHERE DID IT GO-" an strangely familiar voice filled the air. "Kiyo!" Rantaro bent next to the tub.
     Kiyo was still in the tub.. but he looked.. different. His ears and arms were no longer green and webbed, his gills were replaced with smooth skin and a new set of lungs, and most noticeably.. his tail was now a pair of long, thin, human legs. "Holy shit.." Rantaro mumbled, "Himiko.." he turned. "I told you my magic was real, green bean!" She said in a tired tone. "Now.. he's a human and can be better hidden!" She said.
     "IM A HUMAN!? HOW?! WHAT HAPPENED?!" Kiyo screamed, "My.. I CAN SPEAK!! TARO I CAN SPEAK!" He yelled happily. "Kiyo calm down!" "CALM DOWN!? TARO MY WHOLE LIFE CHANGED!! I AM A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT SPECIES HOW CAN I CALM DOWN?! I CAN FINALLY LIVE AMONGST THE HUMANS!" Kiyo smiled widely. Rantaro held Kiyos hand, "Relax a little, I know its crazy but youre gonna wear out your throat." He said calmly. Kiyo continued gasping and breathing, "I feel completely different, I can breath air!" He said happily.
     Angie brought over a towel to cover up Kiyo as Rantaro helped him up. "Am.. am I going to be able to walk and run like you Taro?" He asked, Himiko nodded, "The only downside to my spell is that if you are in water for to long you will begin to turn back into a fish..!" She said. Kiyo nodded, "Then I'll never go in the water again!" He smiled, "Kiyo that's gross." Rantaro stated. "You still gotta shower and stuff-"
     Kiyo stumbled out of the tub. He held the towel over himself. "Uh, Angie? Do you have any clothes he can borrow?" Rantaro chuckled. "Ooh, perhaps I do!" Angie smiled, skippimg out of the bathroom. Rantaro held onto Kiyo until Angie came back.
     "Here you go!" Angie smiled, waltzing back into the room with an arm full of clothes that looked way to big for her. A grey blank shirt, and some blue shorts. "They were given to me! I find no need for them as they don't fit!" She handed them to Kiyo. "How do I put them on?" Kiyo looked at Amami confused. "Hhh, I'll show you."

     Soon Amami decided to go, "Cmon Kiyo.. I owe my sisters an explanation, er and apology." He chuckled, hold Kiyo, leading him out. "What happened?", "Er uh well after I dropped you off at Angie's, I started explaining but then I had to run back eheh.." Rantaro smiled sheepishly.
     They arrived, Rantaro opened the door which revealed 12.. very annoyed and sngry girls. "Well Rantaro? You gotta leave again?" The oldest raised her eyebrow. "Oh nono.. I'm here to stay this time, heh" he chuckled, "Okay I seriously owe you guys an explanation.. sorry" "Yeah you really do. We've been waiting for you to get back here for four hours Rantaro. You wERE GONE FOR FOUR HOURS!" She shouted. "I KNOW, Just.. just let me explain!" He yelped, before explaining every small detail of him and Kiyos odd story.
     "...and now he's human!" Rantaro sighed, presenting Kiyo like some 6th grade science project. "Hello, my name is Korekiyo Shiguji.. I apologize for all the trouble, but Taro here saved me! Don't be mad at him!" He pouted. "Korekiyo Shinguji huh?" Rantaro sighed, "first time I heard your full name, heh," His sisters stared, the younger ones in awe and excitement. The older ones in disbelief and annoyance.
     "Are you serious? Mermaids don't exsist Rantaro! Out of everyone I thought you'd know that! This guys probably just crazy," he heard in the group. "No he's real! I-I have proof!" He yelled. "Ranran,, are you like.. insane?" His sisters laughed. Rantaro gave an unamused look, he dragged kiyo to the downstairs bathroom. "Cmon!" He yelled, three sisters followed.
     Rantaro filled the tub and put Kiyo inside. "Tarooooo!  I don't wanna go back! I've only had legs for a few hours!" Kiyo whined. "I know, Im sorry hun. I'll get you out when I show them." The tub filled, Kiyo was in there for about five minutes. His arms began turning a seaweed green. His legs seemed to merge together. "EW" One of Amamis sisters yelled, "Okay! Its real!" She looked away so she wouldn't have to watch the odd transformation she found so disgusting. Kiyo chirped at her angrily. Rantaro chuckled and drained the water, he picked Kiyo up and sat him on the toilet, grabbing a towel. "Dry off and you should be fine, eheh" Rantaro chuckled.
     "So uh, we're good now?" Rantaro smiled awkwardly. "Hhh, yeah" the oldest sister huffed, "So this whole time you had a crush on a fish guy you were hiding?" She teased. Rantaro's face grew pink. "yEAH?"
     "Aw Taroo!" Kiyo clung onto the slightly shorter male. "Eheh- ..it's getting late., you guys should get settled in, did you eat?" The girls nodded, they got up and left the bathroom, heading to tell the others and go to their own rooms. "Taro? Where do I go?" Korekiyo asked, Rantaro led him to the familiar bedroom he was hidden in the bathroom of. "You need new clothes?" He grabbed two shirts and lounge pants. Kiyo nodded, he held onto Rantaro and grabbed his clothes. "Need help?" Rantaro asked, Kiyo nodded. Rantaro helped Kiyo change, then leading him to the pillow coveres bed.
     "Get comfortable, I'll be right back!" Rantaro walked out the room.
     Korekiyo looked around, crawling onto the middle of the large bed. "Taro's bed, Taroooooo's beeeed~" he sang boredly. He plopped into the center and fooled around with the pillows. "Hm hm hn~ Tarooooo~" he sang. "Kekeke, Tarooooo~"
     "Nice singing." Rantaro chuckled, he held a small pink box with a ribbon. "What's that?" Korekiyo asked, "sweets!" Rantaro smiled, he took the lid off the box and took out a cream filled cookie. "Try it" he handed it to Kiyo. The cookie was pink, the cream was an off-white, it looked quite good. Korekiyo took a bite, he smiled "mmnm!" He hummed. Rantaro took a few more sweets out for the both of them, setting the box aside.
     Kiyo and Rantaro layed beside eachother in bed. "Taro?" "Hm?" Rantaro turned to look at kiyo, who was looking at the ceiling. "Can you.." he huffed, "Teach me how to be human." Rantaro stayed quite. "Of course I will.. Kiyo, my love~" they both smiled. Eventually falling to sleep beside eachother.

A/N: HOLY HELL! Im so sorry for such a long wait for this! I've been in a really bad state for a while but I FINALLY got some motivation! 😸😸‼️ I hope you enjoyed the last chapter, its not the best ending but its all my teeny stressed brain could come up with 😭👍

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