The Plan

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     "With... me?" Rantaro asked, Kiyo nodded. The merman clung onto Rantaro. "... well.. maybe I could figure something out." Rantaro smiled. Kiyo chirped happily and bounced around, still clung onto Rantaro. "Kiyo.. Kiyo, calm down.." Rantaro chuckled. "I love Taro! I love Taro!" Kiyo slid off his mask and pecked Rantaro's cheek. Rantaro blushed and smiled.
     "Kiyo, I think I thought of something.." Rantaro said, Kiyo chirped and tilted his head. "Tonight.. I'll comeback here at about... 1 am. I'll bring you back to my house and we can figure things out from there, okay?" Kiyo smiled and squawked happily. "Tha-tan.. tank you! Thank you Taro!" He chirped, hugging Rantaro tightly. Rantaro nodded as a you're welcome.
      The two stayed close until Rantaro had to go. Kiyo swam in a different direction then usual to avoid his sister. "I'll see you later Kiyo.. stay safe." Rantaro said before pecking Kiyo's forehead, and walking off.

     Rantaro walked home quickly. He swiftly entered, made dinner, and went upstairs. He didn't say a word to any of his sisters.. which made them quite worried...
     Rantaro entered his bathroom and began preparing for Kiyo... 'does he need salt water, or just water..?' He thought to himself. He filled the tub with water and placed towels on the floor. He got changed into darker clothing that he didn't care for, so if they got messy it wouldn't be a big deal.
     Rantaro went to bed after preparing the bathroom. He set his alarm for 12:50 am, so he had some time to run over and get Kiyo.

•●•12:52 am•●•

     Rantaro woke up to the sound of his quiet alarm tone. He quickly got up and laces up his sneakers, running out the door. He arrived at the beach in a few minutes. He was met with the long haired merman. "Taro! Taro Taro!" Kiyo repeated, dragging himself out of the water. "Hey Kiyo!" Rantaro ran over and knelt down. He grabbed Kiyo under his arms and hauled him up, placing his arms around Kiyo's waist instead of his under arms. "I got my room all set up for you." Rantaro smiled, he began walking back home.
     The two began hearing angry chirps coming from the beach. Kiyo looked back to see his sister glaring. Rantaro continued walking as Kiyo stared. The merman waved, took of his mask and stuck his tongue out, semi-playful and semi-petty.
     The two we're nearly home, it took about 30 minutes. Kiyo was asking.. er.. trying to ask questions on the way. "Taro have.. ocean?" "No.. but I have a bathtub." "Baf.. tub?" Rantaro nodded, "Its.. its were people clean themselves. It fills with water." Kiyo tilted his head. He chirped in confusion, "I'll show you when we get there.. now be quiet, I need to sneak you up." Rantaro said as he opened the door.
     Rantaro quietly walked upstairs. He switched on the light in the room and layed Kiyo on the bed. "Okay.. the bathroom is right here. Its already full and ready." He said as he hauled Kiyo back up, who was starting to dry up. Rantaro carefully placed Kiyo into the water. "There.." he said, sitting on the towel.
     Kiyo turned and shuffled. "Ocean?" Kiyo slashed the water with his tail, it was hanging out of the tub slightly. "Not the ocean silly, a bath tub." Rantaro giggled. Kiyo smiled, looking around the room.

"..thank you a..aga-again, Taro."

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